Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular decorative dog breeds, and also one of the smallest. These dogs, even having reached a respectable age - and they live 15 years or more - remain like cute toys. Therefore, the lower the weight of the Yorkie, the higher it will cost, although the breed standard does not contain divisions by weight categories.

Standard weight Yorkies

The main part of the international cynological standards sets the maximum weight of an adult dog in the range of 3.1 kg, but the standard of the ancestors of the breed - the British, limits it to 3.2 kg. There is no lower weight limit in any standard, but too small values of weight are also not welcome.
However, some breeders are trying to breed "Lightweight" Yorkshire Terriers using puppies from breeders of standard weight, which, due to some reason or hormonal disruptions, weigh less than the rest in the litter. The result of attempts at breeding in the direction of minimum weight were mini-Yorkies, whose weight is limited to 1.5-2 kg, and super mini Yorkshire terriers weighing from 900 g to 1.3 kg. But these subspecies of Yorkies are unlikely to be included in the breed standards, since they turned out to be not very viable and very often die due to congenital pathologies before the age of 3 years.
The dog should not be given sweet, salty, fatty and smoked foods. The meat is only white. Eliminate cabbage, legumes, potatoes, broth, juices and chicken eggs from the Yorkie's diet altogether.
How much does a standard Yorkshire terrier weigh in six months

The weight of your 6 month old puppy will of course depend on heredity. If you bought it as a puppy that meets the established breed standards, by six months it will almost develop to its maximum size, because small breed dogs "mature" much faster than representatives of large breeds, the skeleton of which is completed only by the age of 3 years. Yorkies in half a year are almost adult dogs, so by one year their weight is unlikely to increase much, maximum by 100-150 g. A portrait of a Yorkie taken half a year will not differ from his photo a year. Therefore, the weight of your pet by 6 months should be 2, 2-3 kg.
A mini Yorkshire terrier puppy at 6 months should weigh 1, 4-1, 9 kg, and the weight of a super mini-York by this time should be 0, 8-1, 2 kg.
Features of feeding York puppies

While the puppies are growing, it is necessary to strictly control the feeding process and try to ensure that the dog is not overfed, but at the same time does not remain hungry. More often, Yorkies are still overfed, because the norm - one tablespoon without a slide of food - seems microscopic to the owner. If you are feeding your puppy with ready-made food, strictly follow the dosage indicated on the package. Since Yorkies are food lovers, feed your dog strictly by the hour. Do not keep food in the bowl all the time, remove it 10-15 minutes after feeding. But fresh clean water should always be at the feeding site.