How To Come Up With A Name For A Budgerigar

How To Come Up With A Name For A Budgerigar
How To Come Up With A Name For A Budgerigar

Getting a pet, you immediately have to solve many issues. One of them is the choice of a name, in which it is so important not to be mistaken. The name is of particular importance for the budgerigar.

How to come up with a name for a budgerigar
How to come up with a name for a budgerigar

Before talking about buddy parrot names, it doesn't hurt to remember some general principles regarding pet names.

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What needs to be eliminated right away are the human names that are common in the country. Some people may take this as a grudge. Of course, in Russia you can also meet a man named Harry, but still not as often as Borya or Grisha, which means that the danger of getting into an awkward position will be lower.

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If there are already other pets in the house, the name of the new pet should not be consonant with their nicknames, so that there is no confusion. Similar names can confuse even people, what to say about animals.

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It is not advisable to resort to traditional options either. People like to call parrots Goshami, Keshami, Rikki, and under the influence of the famous cartoon - also Roma. Such nicknames are not good not only for their banality, but also for the fact that all of them (with the exception of Ricky) are diminutive versions of human names in circulation in Russia.

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There is no need to give birds long and difficult names. It is important that it is easy for the owner to call his pet, and for the parrot to remember the name.

Name for a talking parrot

Parrots, including wavy parrots, are especially prized for their ability to reproduce human speech. As a rule, one of the first words that a parrot is taught is its nickname, and it must be adapted for this.

The brevity of a nickname is important not only for the parrot to learn to respond to it. It will also be difficult for him to pronounce a long nickname. Three syllables is the limit, the bird will not master it anymore.

Parrots reproduce not all sounds of human speech easily enough. "Favorite" sounds of talking birds are "r" and hissing ("w", "u", "z", "h"), and among the vowels - "i" and "e". The parrot will learn the nickname, which contains these sounds, without much difficulty.

But the whistling and sonorous sounds are not easy for parrots. The first include "s", "c" and "z", the second - "m", "n" and "l". Of the vowels, "o" is the hardest for them. Accordingly, it is undesirable to use all these sounds in the name for a parrot.

There are several examples of good budgerigars' nicknames. The male can be given the name Blackie, Richie, Shurshun, Zipper, Igrasha, Arnie, Gary, Larry, Terry, Chizhik, Chichi. Suitable names for females are Gypsy, Kitty, Sheri, Cherry, Jerry, Kerry, Chucha, Chita, Shelley, Pinchy.
