How To Wash A Parrot

How To Wash A Parrot
How To Wash A Parrot

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Bird owners often have a question about how to wash a parrot. At the same time, the attitude of the bird itself to water can be radically different. While some parrots try to splash with pleasure even in their own bowl of water, others flatly refuse to wash. But in all cases, when bathing birds, you must adhere to certain rules.

It is necessary

water bath, spray bottle


Step 1

The concept of "dirty parrot" is quite extensive. Sometimes the owners try to redeem their pets due to the fact that waste accumulates in the tail area of the bird. No matter how unnatural it may seem, here we are talking about the cleanliness of the bird itself. In some cases, birds wash according to the same principle as cats, removing dirt with a beak. However, sometimes, especially when the bird is able to move freely around the apartment, the chances of it getting into substances that simply need to be washed off increase. Therefore, it is simply not possible to avoid washing. There are cases when parrots bathed in a bowl of flour, got dirty in vegetable oil and other substances that the hostess did not have time to remove from the table.

Step 2

Many owners make the mistake of trying to redeem a parrot immediately after purchasing it. At the same time, forgetting that the bird is under stress from acclimatization and has not yet got used to new owners. In this case, it is better to put up with the soiled parrot for at least a couple of weeks, after which it will get used to its new owners.

Step 3

Parrots are washed in two ways. If the bird loves water, then you just need to put a small form with liquid for it. In order to interest the parrot, you can put his favorite toy in the bath. In nature, birds bathe in the dew on the leaves, so you can offer the parrot lettuce foliage moistened with water. In cases where the parrot refuses to swim, then it is washed with a conventional spray bottle. The same device is used when it is necessary to remove parasites. Your veterinarian will be able to advise on the content of the spray.
