How To Keep A Parrot Gray

How To Keep A Parrot Gray
How To Keep A Parrot Gray

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The ancient Romans and Greeks tamed the gray parrots. However, then only noble and wealthy people managed to acquire these beautiful pets. These parrots can remember and reproduce almost everything that was heard by them. Being unpretentious birds, gray rais become ideal pets.

How to keep a parrot gray
How to keep a parrot gray


Step 1

Parrots of this breed feed mainly on fruits, nuts, herbs, berries and vegetables. It is undesirable to leave them in a draft or smoke in the presence of these royal birds. The parrot, the gray, is very fond of, perhaps even requires, attention to his person. On the other hand, for a pet it is not a pity for a couple of hours of personal communication.

Step 2

However, with adaptation to strangers, as well as new surroundings, the gray parrot may have problems. Therefore, a person will have to spend a lot of time to make his beloved parrot cozy and comfortable. The older the bird is, the more difficult it is for it to adapt to new conditions. In addition, each parrot has its own character, this should also be taken into account. On the other hand, if the new owner is determined and ready to spend some time, then his efforts will not be in vain. Having bought a parrot, you do not need to bother him for some time, since the bird must get used to the new home.

Step 3

Young individuals quickly become attached to people. At the same time, quite often the parrot chooses a leader in the family. Do not forget that the bird should be allowed to walk outside the cage, as it needs communication. You can work with him, teaching him human words and phrases, because the Grays are the most capable birds to reproduce speech or sounds. But you should not overexert the parrot, it is better to train him several times a day, a little bit, giving the parrot a break.

Step 4

If a person has already acquired talking birds, before buying a gray, then this parrot can easily learn the language from them, and sometimes he himself can become a teacher for new pets.

Step 5

It is advisable to let the parrot learn to play on his own so that he does not get bored alone. To do this, buy toys for the bird and change them periodically. Otherwise, the parrot may have psychological problems. Due to stress, he may begin to pluck his feathers.

Step 6

A cage should be chosen spacious enough so that when the bird sits on its perch, it can spread its wings, flap them freely, without touching anything. A rectangular cage will be more comfortable than a round one. It is desirable with a door that folds down - because it is much safer for the pet.
