What Suits Of Horses Exist

What Suits Of Horses Exist
What Suits Of Horses Exist

The beauty created by nature is always unique. Improving, its forms acquire an amazing variety and completeness. An example of this would be the colors of various animals, such as horses.

What suits of horses exist
What suits of horses exist

There are only a few animals in the world that are as graceful and beautiful as a horse. She became both a man's friend and his assistant at the same time. A beautiful, strong and intelligent animal from the 4th millennium BC. accompanies the owner on the hunt, work and art.

Four basic horse suits

For a long time, horses were divided into bay, black, gray and red. All derivatives of these suits appeared later and made up a fairly large modern list. These colors of the horse color were formed in natural conditions.

Later, horse breeders, through artificial selection, received two main colors: black and red. Sometimes a bay is also added to them. The less the breed was subjected to artificial formation, the more varied the color of horse skins in subsequent generations.

The suits of horses are made up of combinations of the color of the horse's skin and its fur. Sometimes the variations are striking to the eye and to the senses. A beautiful isabella horse with blue eyes and a pink tint of coat has long been considered the result of gene marriage, like all albinos in nature.

Owners of horse breeding farms consider it their duty to protect the purity of the breed and are extremely careful in breeding new colors, observing the basic aesthetic and other standards. Such horses participate in exhibitions and competitions, they are called thoroughbreds and pass on genetic material by inheritance to subsequent generations.

The diverse world of equine beauty

Horses are called black horses whose coat has a pure black color. A black in tan is a black horse that has burnt out in the bright sun to shades of red. There is also an ash-black shade of horse hair. It appeared as a result of crossing the bullock, salty and isabella colors. Their color has a chestnut or dark brown hue.

A bay is a horse with brown hair of various tones on the body and black color of the lower legs, mane and tail. The dark bay and bark horse suits are distinguished by a mixture of black and brown shades of coat and brown “tan marks” near the nostrils and around the eyes, as well as in the groin area.

Red horses have a completely red coat. It can be from apricot to brown to dark chestnut. The main difference between the red suit and the chestnut one is the legs of the same shade as the body. Mouse, brown and roan suits are also varieties of the red breed.

A gray or gray-haired horse may be black at birth, but with each molt, such a foal becomes lighter in color. Gray buckwheat and apple wool also appeared as a kind of gray horse suit. They also come in piebald and forelock, as well as dun colors.

In addition to the colors, there are horse shades and shades - wool spots of various colors. They are located on the legs, forehead, around the nostrils of horses. The world of beauty of horse colors, given by nature to man, is so diverse that entire scientific works have been written on this topic. And you can admire them indefinitely.
