Cats living in an apartment just need sprouted oats. It contains vitamins, has a beneficial effect on digestion and simply brings joy to pets. You can buy it in the store or grow it yourself.

Sprouted oats contain B vitamins, which are very beneficial for pets. In addition, this herb is necessary for the normal digestion and well-being of the animal - it causes the gag reflex, which helps the cat get rid of lumps of licked wool or poorly digested food.

Growing oats is best done in shallow bowls. Plastic or plastic containers and ceramic pots will do. It is advisable that the diameter of the dish is large enough to grow more young grass.

In such a bowl, it is necessary to lay out the earth without stones so that its depth is about 1-1.5 cm. From above, evenly distribute oat seeds, which you can buy at a pet store, and cover them with 1 cm of earth. It is better to lightly crush the top layer of earth with your hand. Small sawdust can also be used instead of soil.

Planted oat seeds should be well watered and covered with a plastic wrap or plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. For better grass growth, it is very important to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. And in order for the seeds to germinate faster, they can be pre-soaked in gauze until small green sprouts appear.

As soon as the seeds sprout, the film should be removed. And it is better to pull a mesh with large cells on the jar. For these purposes, you can use, for example, a net for fruit or potatoes. Thanks to this design, the cat can easily eat sprouted oats without digging up the ground.

Since animals prefer young grass, oats should be planted twice a month. It should be grown until the grass rises 5-6 cm.
Many cats cannot eat growing grass. To introduce this essential element into their diet, the sprouted oats should be cut off and added to the animal's food, slightly chopping.