How To Care For A Sphinx

How To Care For A Sphinx
How To Care For A Sphinx

Most of the future owners of these cats are sure that it is very difficult to care for the Sphynx. Yes, indeed, the content of the Sphynx is different from the content of ordinary cats, but if you know the simple rules, there can be no special problems.

How to care for a sphinx
How to care for a sphinx

The first thing that the owner of this magnificent cat should consider is the lack of hair. There is a variety of animals of this breed, where wool is partially absent, but they are in a minority. Therefore, the temperature in the room where it is constantly located is very important for the sphinx. Forget about drafts and dampness, sphinxes are very prone to colds. The normal temperature for them is considered to be 20 - 25 'C.

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how often do sphinxes need to clean their ears

Sphynxes have delicate, vulnerable skin. These warm-loving cats love to bask in the sun, which can lead to severe burns. All hot objects are also dangerous for them, they need to be monitored no less than small children, a fireplace and radiators can be dangerous.

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what temperature should the water be for the sphinx

In the off-season, when the room is not warmed up, put on a warm overalls for the cat, most sphinxes love to dress up and bask in their clothes with pleasure.

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what to do to keep the cat from getting fur

You need to bathe the Sphynx often, but not earlier than once every two weeks. This need is due to the fact that these cats sweat. Unlike other cats, Sphynxes love to swim and splash in the water. When bathing, it is best to use a mild, baby shampoo.

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Particular attention should be paid to the ears of the animal, which are not protected, as in a normal cat by hair, the ears of the sphinxes are subject to severe pollution, which can be seen with the naked eye. You need to clean your ears with a cotton swab slightly moistened with vaseline oil or water.

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Some sphinxes bite off the claws of themselves. If there is a need to put them in order, you need to use special nippers, you should only get rid of the sharp part of the claw.

Taking care of sphinxes is also not easy because they are very energetic cats, they need movement to maintain the necessary heat exchange in the body. The energy expended contributes to an excellent appetite. Many breeders advise feeding the Sphynx with ready-to-eat foods. Of course, there is nothing better than natural nutrition, but here it should be remembered that the entire diet of an animal must be carefully thought out. If you have the ability to constantly monitor the vitamins your animal is getting, switch to natural feeding. In the cold season, the calorie content of food should be increased, this will allow the animal to freeze less.

Experts advise to be careful about ready-made vitamins, and not use them with natural feeding, but replace them with fresh vegetables and herbs. Most of these vitamins must be prescribed by a physician if deemed necessary.

Sphynxes are smart and sociable cats, they get along great with other animals and children. Taking home such an animal, you will give yourself a lot of positive emotions, because the playful disposition of the Sphinx remains with him until old age!
