How To Understand That A Cat Is Asking For A Cat

How To Understand That A Cat Is Asking For A Cat
How To Understand That A Cat Is Asking For A Cat

The instinct of reproduction is inherent in pets by nature. Cats and cats determine their readiness for mating based on the season and climatic conditions. They choose the most suitable time for bearing offspring.

Natural instincts do not sleep
Natural instincts do not sleep

House-dwelling cats live their own lives. Sexual activity can be observed at any time of the year. Males become sexually mature 10 months after birth. They start begging for a cat. There are a number of signs by which you can recognize such desires in a cat: frequent urination, a slight increase in the external genital organs, colorless discharge. Cats, unlike cats, are always ready to mate, all year round.

The beginning of the sexual hunt for the cat

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how to understand a cat

During the period of sexual activity, animals lose their appetite, they ask to go outside, literally break free. Cats during this period are aggressive, they can attack the owners or other cats and cats. An unpleasant aspect is the marks all over the apartment, which smell very unpleasant, and it is rather difficult to get rid of this "aroma".

Medicines for cats

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Owners can defeat the natural instincts of their pets and give them medications. There are a great many of them on sale. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before use. It is easiest to give a cat a drop that suppresses sexual desire. Tablets can be crushed and placed in food. There is no definite answer to the question: do medications affect the health of pets. All of them are aimed at regulating hormones in animals. It is not recommended to give drugs often, preferably as needed. Many tablets are made on the basis of natural ingredients, mint is added, which makes it easier for the cat to feed these tablets.

Castration should be carried out in the event that it is not planned to have offspring in the future.

Castrate or not

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how to understand a British cat is pregnant or not

The owners must understand that living in an apartment is very different from the natural habitat. Therefore, you must be prepared for all the hardships that your pet will bring with you. A cat must mate with a cat at least 9 times a year, while hormones can "play" at any time, and the cat will mark the territory. This method of protection against opponents in the natural environment does not bother anyone, but in the apartment there will be a persistent smell of urine. It is necessary to think in advance about what life with a pet can turn out to be, and decide on its castration.

Castration - the termination of the production of sex hormones through surgery. The operation to remove the testes is a simple one.

During the period of sexual hunt, cats cause a lot of trouble to their owners. They can walk day and night around the apartment and meow heart-rendingly. They can start rushing from room to room, scribbling doors and tearing the upholstery of furniture. Cats, on the other hand, are very affectionate during sexual activity. They wriggle, rub themselves on everything that comes their way, climb into the hands of the owners, try in every possible way to attract attention to themselves.