How To Choose The Breed Of "man's Best Friend"?

How To Choose The Breed Of "man's Best Friend"?
How To Choose The Breed Of "man's Best Friend"?

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Chihuahua or English Mastiff? A cute doll face or a stern defender? A proud, level-headed companion or a cheerful outgoing guy? When choosing a puppy, many people, especially those new to dog breeding, often cannot decide which option to choose. But in order for the dog to really become the best friend of its owner in the future, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the breed.

How to choose a breed
How to choose a breed

Breed selection

When choosing a dog breed, the first thing to look for is the goal of acquiring a new friend:

  • pet;
  • athlete;
  • travel and hiking companion;
  • hunter.

Some people have a dog to guard. But, due to the peculiarities of the legislation, the development of various types of weapons and many other factors, for these purposes it is better to buy a pepper spray, a traumatic pistol, a good iron door or an alarm to the apartment. It is much more reliable.

If the dog is chosen as a pet, so that there is someone to lie on the couch with, take a leisurely walk in the park after work or go to the forest on weekends, then you should pay attention to less active dog breeds. For example, Chihuahua, French Bulldog, Pug, King Charles Spaniel, etc. Or you can choose a calm mongrel dog.

If the future owner dreams of becoming a champion of agility, dog-frisbee, flyball and other kinds of cynological sports, then it is necessary to pay attention to what breeds of dogs they usually achieve success with in this or that sport. For example, in agility, Border Collie, Sheltie, Welsh Corgi, Jack Russell Terrier, Papillon and even Spitz usually achieve high results.


For long hikes in fields, forests and mountains, active dogs of medium and large breeds are suitable as a companion. For example, spaniels, labradors, golden retrievers, collies and others. Outbred representatives can also make an excellent company. The dog must be strong and hardy enough, otherwise you will have to drag it up the hill on your hands. But at the same time, she must be quite balanced, since in the offseason she often has to do with the usual 30-minute walk.

Prospective hunters are best selected through specialized hunting clubs. There, experienced hunters and dog breeders will help you choose the right puppy. If, for example, a spaniel or husky is bought from an ordinary breeder, then there is a risk that he will not have a sufficiently pronounced hunting instinct.


Algorithm for choosing a dog breed:

  1. Write out for yourself all the breeds of dogs you like;
  2. Find information about each breed, a detailed description of not only the appearance, but also the character. It is advisable to browse several different sources;
  3. Chat with 2-3 owners of dogs that you liked according to the description of the breeds. Find out how much time they devote to their pets, whether it is easy for them to care for, educate, train;
  4. Assess your resources: is there time for care and education, is there enough money to maintain the breed you like, is there a corner in the house for a new tenant;
  5. Make your final choice.

Bitch or dog?

As a rule, newcomers to dog breeding are advised to have bitches. This is due to the fact that they are usually more flexible and docile. Bitches are susceptible to the reproductive instinct only during estrus, which happens 1-2 times a year. The rest of the time they are calm. However, bitches are often very cunning and unpredictable, which causes certain difficulties in training and education.

Males are more stubborn and persistent, which complicates training. They get along harder with other pets. And they are ready to fight to the death for the favor of the "lady of the heart" (a bitch in heat). But on the other hand, they behave quite predictably.

It is important that all family members are supportive of the breed selection. Otherwise, discontent and frequent conflicts will not only create an unfavorable psychological environment in the family, but will not allow you to fully enjoy communicating with your pet.