A cat's age can be determined in several ways, but none of them will give an accurate answer. The age of a cat can be determined with an error of 2-4 years, and the age of a kitten can be determined much more accurately.

Step 1
The main most accurate way to determine age, both in kittens and in adult cats, is by her teeth. A special scheme has been drawn up, according to which you can quite clearly determine the age.
• 3 - 4 weeks - Milk incisors and milk canines erupt;
• 1 - 1, 5 months. - Milk premolars are cut through on the lower jaw;
• 2 months. - All milk teeth should appear;
• 3.5 - 4 months. - The root incisors are cut through;
• 4-5 months - Indigenous canines, premolars and molars appear;
• 5-6 months. - All milk teeth change;
• 1 year - Teeth must be white and clean;
• 1.5 years - The central incisors of the lower jaw are grinded;
• 2, 5 years - The middle incisors of the lower jaw are grinded;
• 3, 5 years - The central incisors of the upper jaw are grinded;
• 4, 5 years - The middle incisors of the upper jaw are grinded;
• 5 years - Abrasion marks appear on the canines;
• 6 years - The extreme incisors of the upper jaw are erased
• 7 - 8 years - The surface of the central and middle incisors of the lower jaw changes;
• 9 years - The surface of the central incisors of the upper jaw changes;
• 10-12 years - Central incisors fall out;
• 12-15 years - All incisors fall out;
• 16-20 years - Fangs fall out.

Step 2
By puberty. This method is suitable for kittens. In most cats, puberty occurs by 7-9 months.

Step 3
By the eyes. In young cats, the eyes are clear, transparent, without discharge. By about age 6, fine lines appear on the lens of the eye.

Step 4
By wool. Kittens have sparse and soft fur; as they grow older, the fur thickens and coarsens. With age, the color may either lighten or darken, and white or gray gray hairs may also appear.

Step 5
By behavior. Older cats are less active. They usually sleep. They may stop hunting or playing altogether.