A chicken egg is a product that is included in the diet of a healthy human diet. Egg white contains amino acids that are essential for humans. Therefore, chicken eggs must be included in the list of products bought in stores.

What affects the color of chicken eggs
When visiting a store, the question often arises: "Which chicken eggs are better to choose - white or brown?" It is believed that brown eggs are tastier and healthier. Is it so?
There are several factors that affect the color of an eggshell. One of them is this. It's about genes. The pigment protoporphyrin, which is found in the body of a bird, gives a hue to the eggs. From it they turn brown and yellow. If the chicken's body does not contain this pigment, then their eggs are white. The breed of chickens that lay white eggs include the Russian white, Leghorn.

Orpington and Wyandot chickens are dark. The clutch of these breeds is, accordingly, also dark.
Experts can determine what color a chicken will lay an egg by the color of its earlobe. If it is darker, pigmented, then the bird will lay an egg with a dark shell. And, accordingly, if it is white, then the egg will be the same. There are chickens that lay green, blue, olive eggs.

An important factor that affects the color of the shell is which chickens are given. If they are poorly fed, then they do not receive the necessary nutrients and trace elements for the body. Improper feed and prescribed medications can change the color of the egg. But this only affects those chickens that lay dark eggs. On white breeds - this is not reflected in any way.
The next factor that changes the color of a chicken egg is this. It is known that protoporphyrin is actively produced in the daytime, in the warm and light seasons - spring, summer. It follows that the longer the daytime, the warmer and sunnier the days, the darker the eggs in chickens will be. Again, this only applies to dark breed chickens and does not affect whites in any way. A dark laying hen will never lay white eggs. They can only be dark or yellow.

Shell thickness
There is a myth that the shells of dark eggs are denser than white ones. This is a misconception. The thickness of the chicken eggshell depends on the age of the bird and its nutrition. In young and well-fed chickens, it is always thicker.

Which eggs are preferable to buy in stores
Making a conclusion, the question arises: "Which eggs are healthier and tastier?" The color of this product does not in any way affect its taste and quality, nutritional value. If eggs are bought in a store, then first of all, you should focus on their expiration date, as well as on the manufacturer. If the products of a certain farm or poultry farm inspire confidence and you like it, then you should stop at it.