Aquarium fish live in their own limited world. Their measured life does not in any way affect the life of the owners, unlike, for example, cats or dogs. Inhabitants of domestic "reservoirs" are not able to wag their tail or purr affectionately. But the experienced aquarist who cares for their phlegmatic pets should always be on their guard. After all, atypical behavior of fish may be evidence of a serious illness. In order to suspect a disease in time, it is necessary to recognize well the normal and inappropriate behavior of the aquarium inhabitants.

The main types of non-standard behavior

The behavior of fish is usually influenced by instincts, such as self-preservation or procreation. Seemingly the same actions can be caused by various reasons, not always associated with instincts. For example, burying in the ground may mean that the fish is trying to avoid danger. The same behavior may indicate that the female is preparing the nest for spawning. And some species are camouflaged in this way for hunting.
There is no way for aquarium dwellers to communicate their needs other than through "sign language" and color change. There are common signals common to all fish species. But there are those that are inherent only in a certain subspecies or family. For example, if a fish swims up to another and shows a wide open mouth, this is usually an indicator of "frontal threat". Moreover, this behavior can be both attack and defense. And some species of males flaunt in this way in front of females during the spawning period.
If the fish turns sideways and wiggles the whole body or only the tail fin, this is a common courting gesture common to almost all fish species. But there are exceptions: some underwater inhabitants express the "lateral threat" in this way. A fish with its fins spread out can be both a suitor and an adversary, depending on the species. By spreading its fins, the underwater inhabitant tries to show its "large" size and bright color, which usually attracts individuals of the opposite sex. But if a demonstration is made for a fellow of a different kind, then its main goal is to show all its mighty possibilities.
Fish with suspicious growths-spots-behavior should be transferred from a common aquarium to a quarantine tank, by symptoms, determine what caused the anomaly, and start treatment, if necessary.
Many aquarium inhabitants are characterized by color changes, for example, during the spawning season. The bright colors of the scales help partners find each other. But outside the breeding season, the fish are usually less colorful in appearance. This helps prey to hide better from predators, and to predators, on the contrary, to hunt more successfully. There are fish that change color while caring for their newborn offspring. The smart coloring of the parents helps the fry not to get lost and works as a distraction when predators attack the family.
Reasons for the aggressive behavior of fish

Aggression is inherent not only in predatory individuals. Fish show hostility when reclaiming territory or guarding their corner. Rivalry during spawning and defensive reactions to danger can also be aggressive. Unreasonable enmity is not peculiar to fish. If at first glance it was not possible to unravel the source of the irritability of the pets, you should carefully observe the aquarium life in order to find out and eliminate the motives of such behavior.
Aggressive behavior by a particular fish can be a significant problem in your aquarium. It is practically the only cause of injury and trauma in aquarium fish.
If a fish suddenly bites off the fin of its fellow, this does not mean its aggressive behavior. It so happens that the fish simply mistake the tails and fins of their neighbors for something edible. The instinctive reaction does not always give a chance to get a closer look at what it is trying to grasp. Therefore, you should carefully plan the species diversity of pets for your aquarium, excluding the proximity of incompatible species.