How To Transport Animals

How To Transport Animals
How To Transport Animals

If you have no one to leave your pet with during your vacation, then there can be only one way out: take it with you. But for this, you need to prepare in advance for a trip with an animal and decide which type of transport will be more comfortable for you and your pet to cross.

On the road with animals
On the road with animals

Comfort and safety

For short distances, for example, to a summer cottage, small animals (cats, rodents, small dogs) can be transported in carriers, which must be made of rigid materials: plastic, wood, securely closed and have openings for air intake.

In soft carrying bags, the animal will be uncomfortable, and this is additional stress. In no case should you hold an animal in your arms in transport and on the street. Frightened by harsh sounds and unfamiliar surroundings, your pet may break free, scratch you with claws, hurt himself, or even run away. For the same reason, harnesses and leashes, in which many people try to transport rabbits, ferrets, and cats, are unreliable. If there is no carrying - take a tight box, make a handle and holes.

It is much more comfortable to transport a pet in a taxi than in public transport. Notify the operator in advance that you will be traveling with a pet in a carrier and check if there will be additional charges. Large dogs are allowed to be transported on buses with a collar, muzzle, leash and a separate ticket for the tailed passenger.

Rodents in all modes of transport are transported in small plastic containers. Not in cardboard boxes that they can gnaw through.

Useful accessories

It is easier to transport animals in a private car. The carrier with the animal should be placed in an empty seat and fastened with a seat belt. You cannot put an unfastened carriage in the passenger compartment, and even more so place it on the floor of the car or under the seat.

It is forbidden to hold in your arms or let your pet run around the cabin: it is traumatic for him and for you. There are special adaptations for large dogs. A harness leash, which is attached to a standard seat belt buckle, or a car seat for a dog will provide your pet with safety on the way. A special hammock mat will protect the upholstery of your car from damage, wool and dirt, and the mesh grilles that separate the driver's seat will not allow the dog to distract the driver.

On the train

Animals can be transported on the train in all types of carriages (except for SV and luxury carriages). The main thing is that the animal is sitting in a spacious cage, in a basket or carrier and cannot get out of there without your permission. In addition to carrying, you need to have a certificate from the veterinarian that the animal is healthy and a receipt "Baggage in the passenger's hands".

Large dogs can ride in the inoperative vestibule of the first car after the diesel locomotive or in a baggage car, in a special container, but always with a leash, in a muzzle and under your personal supervision.

You can, of course, take a big dog in the compartment so that everyone can ride in comfort - the railway regulations allow this. Only for this you will have to buy out all four compartments and carry no more than two dogs there.

Pet documents on the plane

If you are flying by plane, then contact the representatives of the carrier company in advance and find out in detail their rules for transporting animals (they differ greatly from company to company). Be sure to check the weight limit.

For air travel, in addition to a plastic carrier, you must have an animal's veterinary passport with all valid vaccinations, a health certificate and a certificate from the SKOR or RKF club.

Remember to remove the animals from the carrier when going through security at the airport entrance. Place the carrier on the tape and the pet next to you.

On an airplane, even a large dog will have to travel in a box. Payment for the carriage of an animal is made as excess baggage, only guide dogs fly free of charge.
