Air transportation of animals, both domestic and international, is one of the most difficult, since there are special requirements for the transportation of live baggage, the implementation of which is strictly controlled. When preparing to fly with an animal, take the necessary steps to ensure its safety and health.

Step 1
Check the airline's internal regulations for the carriage of animals on passenger aircraft. Company policy may include significant restrictions or prohibitions on the transport of certain types of animals. Do not take your beloved pet with you on a trip if it is under 3 months old or is of advanced age.

Step 2
Get the advice of your veterinarian on how to make breathing easier for dogs and cats with short snouts, and precautions to take when transporting overweight animals. If your pet suffers from heart failure, air travel is strictly prohibited. The same goes for animals awaiting offspring.

Step 3
Prepare documents confirming that the animal is healthy: a veterinary passport, a health certificate (veterinary certificate form No. 1), which must be obtained from a state veterinary clinic. Before you check in for your flight, visit the veterinary checkpoint, where, based on the above documents, you will be given an international veterinary certificate. Keep in mind that when flying to some countries, you may be required to complete additional documents in various departments.

Step 4
Get the animal vaccinated against rabies no earlier than 10 days and no later than 9 months before the day of departure. If you are planning to visit Asian or African countries, find out if additional vaccinations are required. When transporting a dog or cat to another country, you must present a certificate issued by the local branch of the Russian Cynological or Felinological Federation, which contains information that your pet does not represent breeding value.

Step 5
Notify the operator booking your ticket that you are taking your pet with you. You will have to pay for the weight of the pet as excess baggage. Choose a cage or container that is comfortable for your pet to feel as comfortable as possible in the hold. The height of the cage should allow you to stand up to full height and turn to the sides. Its waterproof bottom must be lined with a highly absorbent material. When transporting cats or birds, the cage must be covered with a thick, opaque cloth.

Step 6
Place hanging bowls of water and food in the cage if your pet has a long flight. To keep the water from splashing out, place a sponge in the bowl so the animal can lick off the liquid. Check that the container or cage complies with the international IATA standard and the airline's internal requirements. Place “Live Animal” on the container and include your name and phone number.
Step 7
Purchase a special carrier bag if your pet will be in the cabin with you during the flight. You will need to put a tray with a lattice in the bag. The head of the animal should be outside so that the pet does not get nervous because it does not see what is happening around. Feed him a soft, fast-digesting food 4 hours before departure. Never give the animal any sedatives to avoid pressure drops. Place the smallest thing in the cage that has your scent on it.