This pest got its name due to the ability to weave cobwebs on the leaves of different plants. The favorite territories of spider mites are dry and warm dusty places. These parasites hate dampness!

How to deal with spider mites on indoor plants?
This parasite is a huge threat to indoor plants. It is sometimes very difficult to remove it, since the female spider mite can imperceptibly burrow into the ground and hibernate indefinitely. A sign of the appearance of a spider mite on indoor plants is the appearance of white dots that grow throughout the leaf. As a result, the leaf dries up and falls off. Another sign indicating the appearance of a spider mite on plants is the appearance of thin cobwebs entangling the leaves and stem of the plant.
To combat spider mites, it is recommended to regularly spray indoor plants with phosphorus and sulfur preparations, which allow them to destroy the eggs of these pests. If it is not possible to use such pesticides, you can turn to folk remedies. To do this, you need to grind 100 g of garlic, and then pour it with a liter of water, leaving it to infuse for a week. To spray the plants with the resulting mixture, you must observe the proportion: 10 g of infusion per 1 liter of water.
If the plants that spider mites have chosen are contraindicated to spray, then you can use the following method: chop the garlic finely and spread it on the ground in a flower pot. After that, you need to cover the plant with a plastic bag for 3 hours. In the fight against spider mites, dandelion root helps perfectly: 30 g of crushed root should be poured with a liter of water. After 4 hours, the infusion will be ready. You can start spraying the plant.
It is recommended to spray your indoor plants with Karbofos and Intavir solutions. After the end of the spraying procedure, the flower must be wrapped in a polymer bag. This will help you achieve the best result. The most effective drugs in the fight against this parasite are "Aktofit", "Vermitek" and "Fitoverm".
How to deal with spider mites on cucumbers?
If a spider mite appears on cucumbers, then any fight against it must be carefully thought out. It is necessary to thoroughly spray the underside of the leaves. For this, decoctions of garlic and wormwood are used. For the best effect, it is recommended to seek the help of professional chemicals. Do not forget to remove the leaves damaged by the mite - it is recommended to burn them whole. At the end of the harvest, you need to burn all the cucumber lashes. To prevent spider mites from appearing on cucumbers again, it is recommended to disinfect them in greenhouses and hotbeds.