A few years ago, it was difficult to imagine a rat as a pet. History is replete with facts that do not speak in favor of these little rodents.

At all times, the rat has always been one of the main pests and enemies of man; he has been trying to fight rats for centuries. The rat is a cunning and insidious enemy, no matter how many ways mankind invented to get rid of it, this nimble animal in a matter of time adapts even to the most sophisticated methods.

Getting rid of rats is difficult, but possible. The big thing when fighting them is their omnivorousness. Moreover, this rodent is interested not only in food waste, the rat will happily feast on wires, paper or toilet soap. In addition, rats are very smart and agile, in search of food they are able to overcome unthinkable obstacles, their teeth are strong and capable of crushing even concrete walls.

A person tries to remove rats not because the animal is aggressive towards him, the rat will very rarely attack a person and only when he feels danger from his side. The problem is different - they, like cockroaches, are carriers of deadly diseases.

Urban rats are of two types: black and gray. Gray rats can grow up to half a kilogram. The fertility of rats is very high, if people did not limit this, in every city thousands of rats would swarm under their feet!

To combat rodents, strong poisons are used, which rats eat with bait. A large number of new poisons appear every year, these intelligent animals are able to recognize them. It is interesting that one rat initially tries the bait, while the rest analyze the subsequent reaction and draw their own conclusions. The rats will report the presence of the venom to their relatives who were not present in the experiment. That is why it is necessary to fight rats with poisons that act gradually and accumulate in the body for some time.

In addition to poison, there are several ways to combat rodents, for example, a glue pad. The rat is unable to tear itself away from it, and dies of hunger. All means of fighting rats are located in hard-to-reach places, and various crops are the bait. In addition, a specially trained person who knows all the nuances of his profession should do this. Fighting rats for an ordinary person can be deadly.