Every person in the house, including the dog, should have a place to rest and sleep. Therefore, you need to take care in advance that the puppy you are going to bring to your house also has such a place, warm and calm.

It is necessary
- - cardboard box 40x40 cm;
- - a piece of felt;
- - warm bedding.
Step 1
At first, while the puppy is still small, equip him with a temporary place, and then, as he grows up, accustom him to a permanent one. Prepare for your baby a small box or box with low sides that will not interfere with his crawling out. Put a warm mat there, you can put a stuffed toy there, the fur of which will remind him of his mother. For several days or a couple of weeks, this box can not be stationary, move it to your bedroom at night so that the baby is not left alone.

Step 2
Observe the behavior of a puppy that has already settled in your home. Surely by this time he will already have his favorite place. It should not be "walk-through" or be located in a draft; a dog lying on it should not interfere with the rest of the family. After that, move the dog to this permanent bed and start working out the "Place" command with it.

Step 3
If your dog belongs to small, indoor breeds, then in the store buy her a special wicker basket with low sides, in which she will be warm and cozy. For a large dog, use a special mat or warm bedding that should be easy to clean. The bedding and the felt must be washed periodically.

Step 4
Prohibit the puppy, and then the adult dog, from occupying your seat in the chair or on the couch. According to the rules of the pack, which dog perceives your family, the best place belongs to the leader, the leader. Therefore, so that your dog perceives you in this way and does not doubt your authority, stop attempts to encroach on him, even in such a seemingly "innocent" way.

Step 5
In the event that the dog will live in the yard, move it there when it is already 5-6 months old. Build or buy her a booth that needs to be insulated during harsh winters. The floor at the booth should be wooden, sleep on the ground, even with a mat, the dog will be cold. If it will sit on a chain, then do not make it very short - the dog should be able to run freely.