How To Stop A Dog's Bleeding

How To Stop A Dog's Bleeding
How To Stop A Dog's Bleeding

Table of contents:


Bites, trauma - all of these can lead to bleeding in the dog. In order for this not to come as a surprise to you, you need to have a first aid kit on hand and know the basics of first aid.

How to stop a dog's bleeding
How to stop a dog's bleeding

It is necessary

  • -antiseptics;
  • - first aid kit.


Step 1

First of all, you need to decide on the type of bleeding. If the top layer of the skin is damaged, then most likely you will experience capillary bleeding. With it, blood appears evenly over the entire area of the wound. With venous bleeding, you will see dark venous blood flowing out of the wound in an even stream. With arterial bleeding, the blood will be a bright scarlet color, while it will be thrown out of the wound in an uneven stream. Also, bleeding can be internal, it can be especially difficult to recognize. If the dog is lying down, it has a rapid pulse, pallor of mucous membranes or red spots under the skin, then it is necessary to deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

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Step 2

The easiest way is to stop capillary bleeding. To do this, it is necessary to treat the wound with any antiseptic (chlorhexidine solution or 3% hydrogen peroxide) and apply a sterile bandage.

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Step 3

For other types of bleeding, a pressure bandage should be applied to the wound. If this does not help, then take a tourniquet from the medicine cabinet and apply it above the wound. Remember that in the summer, the tourniquet is applied for no more than 1.5 hours, and in the winter for no more than 30 minutes. In order not to confuse the imposition time, it is necessary to write it on a piece of paper and attach it to the tourniquet.

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Step 4

If you see foreign objects in the wound, they must be removed before applying the bandage. If the objects are deep, but the bandage is applied over them, and the veterinarian is responsible for the removal later.

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Step 5

It often happens that arterial bleeding cannot be stopped by either a pressure bandage or tourniquet. Then you should try to pinch the damaged artery with your finger and take the dog to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.
