If you have a dog, then you should be prepared for the fact that she may injure her paw on a walk or become a member of the "dog" showdown. In order to stop bleeding from becoming a surprise to you, you must learn the basics of first aid in advance and have a first-aid kit on hand.

Step 1
If your dog is just scratched while walking, then the wound must be washed with any disinfectant solution (3% hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine solution), and then grease the edges with iodine or brilliant green.
Step 2
If the wound is deeper, hydrogen peroxide will help stop the blood. Rinse the wound abundantly with it, then apply a pressure bandage to the damaged area. For early healing after stopping bleeding, an antibacterial ointment ("Levomekol" or Vishnevsky's ointment) can be applied to the wound.
Step 3
If the bleeding is very severe, then it must be stopped as soon as possible. If the wound is on a limb, then a tourniquet must be applied to the paw. In summer, no more than 1.5 hours, in winter, no more than thirty minutes. If the wound is on the body, then it is necessary to apply a tight pressure bandage (a feminine sanitary pad is perfect from available tools) and deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.
Step 4
If there are foreign objects in the wound, then they must be removed. To do this, trim the hair around the wound, rinse the wound surface with hydrogen peroxide, and then remove foreign particles with tweezers. If you are not sure you have removed all of the pieces, see your veterinarian who can use a microscope to clean the wound more thoroughly.
Step 5
Your pet may have internal bleeding as a result of an impact or injury from a car. If, after an accident, the dog lies, its pupils are dilated, the mucous membranes have turned white and a weak pulse is felt, then it is necessary to urgently deliver the dog to a veterinarian who can accurately establish the diagnosis.
Step 6
Dog owners should also be aware that any wound the dog will try to lick. For a faster recovery, it is better not to allow this. If the wound is in the head, neck, or torso area, you can wear a plastic collar over your pet's head, which can be purchased from your veterinarian. If the wound is on a limb, then a regular sock must be put on over the bandage, fixing its base with an elastic cloth that will not interfere with blood circulation.