How To Stop A Parrot From Bleeding

How To Stop A Parrot From Bleeding
How To Stop A Parrot From Bleeding

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If the parrot is properly cared for, it will rarely get sick. But, despite this, you must always carefully monitor the state of the bird in order to have time to help her. Parrot bleeding can occur for several reasons. For example, if the claws and beak are not trimmed correctly, after receiving any injury. Before treating the wound, it is very important to stop the bleeding in time. This can be done in one of the following ways.

How to stop a parrot from bleeding
How to stop a parrot from bleeding

It is necessary

  • - hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • - cotton pads;
  • - hydroperite;
  • - Eplan ointment;
  • - "Tsiprolet";
  • - "Troxivazin" or "Indovazin";
  • - "Etamsilat";
  • - "Citrosept";
  • - syringe without a needle;
  • - "Vikalin".


Step 1

If you need to stop bleeding from your paw: Take a cotton pad and slightly dampen it in a 3% peroxide solution. If it is absent, you can use a tablet of dry hydroperite. To prepare the solution, pour one tablet with a tablespoon of water. Carefully, without making any sudden movements, treat the wound. To prevent the bird from twitching, ask one of the relatives to hold it by lifting the paw up.

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Step 2

Place the ointment on your paw. Eplan is well suited for this. This drug has disinfecting properties, stimulates the growth of new tissues and quickly promotes blood clotting.

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Step 3

If the bird is injured by a cat or dog, anoint the paw with antibacterial ointment, and give the parrot "Tsiprolet". This remedy begins to act on bacteria and kills them. In case there are no funds at home, the bird's claw can be cauterized with diluted potassium permanganate. Make sure that the potassium permanganate does not get on the delicate skin of the bird.

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Step 4

As soon as the blood stops, keep the bird at rest and do not touch the paw. Let me give you vitamins, it will be very good if you treat the bird with a pomegranate. Be sure to give your pet more food, because he needs to recuperate.

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Step 5

Smear your paw every day with Troxevasin or Indovazin. If the bird begins to lick the ointment, do not be afraid, as it is completely harmless. But in any case, do not use other similar means, because they can poison the parrot.

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Step 6

If the blood needs to be stopped from the beak: Stop the blood with Dicinon or Etamsilat. To do this, you need to drip 0.1 ml of either of these two drugs into the beak twice a day. Add a drop of Citrosept to drinking water at the rate of one drop of the drug per 50 ml of water.

Step 7

Buy "Vikalin" or "De-nol". Dissolve one quarter of the tablet in a teaspoon of water and let the bird drink it. If the parrot is not thirsty, carefully apply the solution with a syringe. You need to drip five drops twice a day. When using a syringe, be sure to remove the needle.

Step 8

It is categorically dangerous to use potassium permanganate, as it can accidentally get inside. In no case should this be allowed, otherwise the bird may receive a severe burn.
