Dog lovers, when choosing clothes for their pet, pay attention to the quality of the material, strength and reliability, how warm it will be, as well as fashionable design and cut. Now you can buy clothes for a dog in a special clothing store for animals, but the number of such stores is small and the sizes are often not suitable. Therefore, it is better if the owner himself sews a beautiful and original outfit for his pet.

Step 1
Before embarking on the process of sewing clothes for a dog, you need to decide on the purpose, size and style of clothing. It will not be difficult for the owner to take measurements from the animal, and it is worth choosing the material taking into account the purpose of the thing. If it is a winter jacket or pants - wool, corduroy, and if it is a summer outfit, then cotton, silk, maybe even chiffon.

Step 2
After choosing a style, you can start sewing, while you should use specialized literature for sewing with ready-made patterns, which will greatly facilitate your work.

Step 3
Old things can also come in handy for sewing, for example, using unnecessary baby clothes or leftover scraps of fabric that you can reshape or slightly modify for your pet.
With a little effort and imagination, you can create comfortable and fashionable clothes suitable for your dog.