Guinea pigs are not very healthy, in principle, they are very sensitive. It must also be remembered that they can be carriers of infectious diseases dangerous to humans (tuberculosis, plague, ringworm, scabies, etc.). Therefore, buy your guinea pig only at the pet store, where they are carefully screened for diseases.

Step 1
Bearing in mind the poor health of the pigs, it is better to take care of its maintenance, to prevent diseases than to treat the mumps. They rarely recover if the disease has engulfed the body, more often the animal dies. For the correct maintenance of the pig, it is necessary to protect it from cold and drafts, because they have a weak respiratory system. After purchasing, keep the mumps in quarantine for a month, only then transplant it into a common cage. Observe how she eats, how much she eats, what she prefers.
Step 2
Conventionally, the diseases of guinea pigs can be divided into five groups according to the causal criterion: genetic defects; diseases caused by improper feeding and maintenance; infectious diseases (from bacteria or viruses); diseases transmitted by parasites; mechanical damage.
Step 3
If your pet is huddled in a corner, does not respond to external stimuli and squishes when breathing, then everything is very bad, do not allow such a state, otherwise you may lose the animal. Inspect your guinea pig at the slightest change in behavior. Refusal to feed, lethargy are the first bells. Examine the mumps, if it sneezes, coughs, and there is discharge near the nose, it means that it is sick, and it urgently needs to be treated. Better if you make 1-2 injections of apmpicillin, if injections are impossible, then drop the rasters from the powder of one capsule of the same ampicillin in 10-15 ml of water and inside a sixth of the tablet in one teaspoon of water.
Step 4
If there is suppuration in the eyes or just swollen red eyelids (conjunctivitis), rinse them with mild tea leaves and drip a baby albucide solution, and anoint the eyelids with tetracycline ointment.
Step 5
Intestinal upset in guinea pigs occurs from poor diet or infection. Stop giving her juicy food, feed only breadcrumbs, oats, give her a drink (to prevent dehydration). If after a few days it has not passed, give the mumps two to three times a day a quarter of a tablet of Biseptol dissolved in a teaspoon of water.
Step 6
Keep in mind that guinea pigs are often allergic to antibiotics, so give about a fifth of what you are going to start with first. If no allergic reactions appear within 2-3 hours, continue.
Step 7
Skin parasites can occur in guinea pigs. Bathe them (you must not touch your head!) In a solution of bromocyclene or another special substance of the same action, dry them gently with a hairdryer and do not let them lick their fur until completely dry.
Step 8
Guinea pigs can develop more serious diseases, from heart disease to pregnancy toxicosis. It is unlikely that you can do it without the help of a qualified veterinarian. It would be nice to find a specialist in advance who already had experience in treating guinea pigs, so that if something happens, look for a doctor in panic. There is one universal advice, if you notice that the pig is not feeling well, does not eat, try giving her a solution of vitamin C with glucose 3 times a day, but remember, this is nothing more than advice, and if there is no improvement, start specialized treatment.