Broiler Chickens: Diseases And Their Prevention

Broiler Chickens: Diseases And Their Prevention
Broiler Chickens: Diseases And Their Prevention

Breeding broiler chickens is a serious and responsible business. If not properly cared for, they can be a pretty big fiasco. Broiler chickens, in particular, can mow down an entire population of broiler chickens, damaging the broiler business. Therefore, these birds require increased attention, care and mandatory prophylaxis against certain diseases.

Broiler chickens need an eye, and an eye
Broiler chickens need an eye, and an eye

Forewarned is forearmed

In order for the growing of broiler chickens to bear fruit, it is necessary to strictly observe all sanitary and veterinary measures, as well as to carry out a special program for the use of special medicines, based on scientific research, in relation to broiler chickens. It is necessary to be aware that diseases of broilers in the worst case can lead to bankruptcy of certain poultry companies or farms.

Moreover, these birds need regular prevention of infectious diseases. As they say, the one who is forewarned is armed! After all, the costs of carrying out all the necessary sanitary and veterinary measures pay off quickly enough, and the costs of treating already sick birds can be unbearable, and sometimes even meaningless: for example, infection with bird flu “mows down” all chickens.

Dangerous diseases of broiler chickens

Respiratory diseases are the most dangerous for broiler chickens. If they were not prevented or cured in time, then almost all broilers die. Among the infectious diseases affecting these birds, colibacillosis should be distinguished, leading to a massive mortality of chickens (up to 55% of the livestock). Dangerous diseases of broilers are the so-called secondary infection and mycoplasmosis.

Treatment and prevention of diseases of broiler chickens

Most of all diseases affecting chickens have a complex etiology. Despite this, the software (integrated) use of modern antibacterial drugs greatly simplifies the process of treating broiler birds. In special cases, competently conducted therapy allows veterinarians to take control of an epizootic situation (widespread disease) even with mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis and other bacterial infections.

The most common drugs used in the treatment of broiler chickens are Tilokol, Sulteprim, Clindaspectin, Spelink and Nifulin-forte. It should be noted that all the components that make up the listed drugs were selected by veterinarians taking into account the synergistic effect.

Most of all possible diseases of birds can be prevented only with the use of comprehensive programs, including the use of antibacterial, antimycoplasma, antiparasitic and other prophylactic drugs. We must not forget for a moment that broiler chickens are a living organism that requires increased attention. Even the lack of basic hygiene can “mow” more than half of the broiler population.
