Diseases Of Pigeons And Their Treatment

Diseases Of Pigeons And Their Treatment
Diseases Of Pigeons And Their Treatment

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Among the various diseases that domestic pigeons are exposed to, there are several especially dangerous ones that are of an infectious nature. These include pigeon conjunctivitis, avian tuberculosis and colibacillosis.

Pigeons, like all living things, are at risk of getting sick
Pigeons, like all living things, are at risk of getting sick


Step 1

Inflammation of the eyelid and conjunctiva of the eye

This ailment is manifested by constant itching in the eyes of the bird, which it constantly rubs with its claws or feathers. The symptoms of this disease are swelling and redness of the eyelid, as well as a closed palpebral fissure and swelling of the conjunctiva. Moreover, a serous secret begins to stand out from the eyes of the pigeon, and the skin around them sticks together, becoming covered with a brown crust. To cure this ailment, you need to use Kamala tea or eye drops containing an antibiotic. If at the same time an infection develops that affects pigeon eyes, it is recommended to use sulfonamides internally.

Step 2

Avian tuberculosis

Another disease that develops in pigeons. Avian tuberculosis can also be transmitted to humans, so you need to be extremely careful if pigeons get sick with it. In birds, this ailment is accompanied by fatigue, weakness, and sagging wings. The plumage of the bird becomes dull and tousled. To diagnose avian tuberculosis, it is necessary to inject 0.05 ml of tuberculin into the upper part of the eyelid with a syringe. If the infection continues to develop, a distinct swelling will appear at the injection site. Unfortunately, the treatment of pigeons for tuberculosis is considered inappropriate, since birds become carriers of infection during quarantine, and a full cure can take a lot of time. Better to kill sick pigeons.

Step 3


This disease is common in birds. Pigeons, chickens, broiler chickens, geese, and many other birds also suffer from it. The causative agent is a conditionally pathogenic microbe located in the gastrointestinal tract of a bird. If the pigeon's resistance to infections is weakened, this ailment can take various intestinal forms. In this case, nodules are formed. Veterinarians say that the intestinal form of colibacillosis develops against the background of coccidiosis and ascariasis. Mostly young pigeons are at risk. Birds lose their appetite, suffer from intestinal upset, and their breathing becomes difficult. Further development of colibacillosis leads to the death of pigeons.

Step 4

For the treatment of this disease, antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action should be used. Among the effective drugs are terramycin and biomycin with feed (100 mg per 1 kg of feed). Moreover, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the pigeons and their dovecote. You should be aware that high-quality feed increases the resistance of the bird's body to this disease. Do not forget about the inclusion of vitamins in the diet of pigeons.
