If you want to acquire an English Bulldog, then you must learn to understand these animals. This will help you choose a dog that will truly match the breed's stated qualities.

Step 1
Contact a specialized nursery to purchase an English Bulldog. You can also buy a puppy at one of the official exhibitions held by the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF). If you buy a puppy from a private person without the official status of a breeder or in the so-called "bird market", be prepared for that, it is actually a cross between several breeds. Such a dog can become a good companion, but will not be able to take part in exhibitions.

Step 2
Decide what type of puppy you want. Show-class animals are most highly valued. They have the highest breed standards and are needed primarily for breeding and participation in exhibitions. If you are looking for a dog to hang out with and do not intend to pursue its show career, it makes no sense to overpay and buy such an animal. Next are the breed-class puppies, which correspond to the breed standard and are quite suitable for breeding, but cost less than the show-class representatives. Below in the classification is the pet-class. Such bulldogs cannot participate in exhibitions, but they become excellent pets.

Step 3
Purchase an animal that is at least one and a half months old. If you want to be sure that the puppy meets the breed standards, then it is best to take it even later, at three months.

Step 4
Check the kennel documents. Each of the parents of the puppies must have a proven pedigree. This will come in handy if you want to show your dog later on. The so-called "puppy card" must be issued for the bulldog itself, which you can subsequently exchange for a pedigree.

Step 5
Examine the puppy for breed match. The English Bulldog should have a wide chest and fairly short legs already at two months old. Long limbs and an overly bulky belly are most often a sign of an animal's inadequacy to standards. At the same time, the puppy's coat is very different from the normal for an adult dog of this breed. It is thin and silky, and this cannot be attributed to the shortcomings of an animal if it is not yet three months old. Be guided by the behavior of the puppy - he should not be too cowardly or hyperactive. Normally, a bulldog should be calm and phlegmatic.

Step 6
When choosing an adult dog over one year old, check to see if it meets the standards. Its height at the withers should be about 40 centimeters. An indicator that differs by more than 5 centimeters is considered a serious defect. The color must also comply with the rules - white spots on monochromatic animals are not allowed. Also, vices leading to disqualification include a long muzzle and underdeveloped flews that do not completely cover the teeth. In the presence of such defects, the animal can be attributed, at best, to the pet-class. If you acquire such a dog, it will not be able to produce offspring with a confirmed pedigree.