English Bulldogs are popular among dog breeders all over the world. These animals are suitable for both experienced dog handlers with experience, and those who first decided to have a pet. Among the main character traits inherent in English Bulldogs are solidity and equanimity.

It is necessary
English Bulldog, patience, dog treats (dry food, pieces of cheese or boiled meat, special cookies), toys
Step 1
According to the official breed standard, these animals (as well as other representatives of the Molossian and Mastiff subgroup) are somewhat phlegmatic. This should not be forgotten when starting to train the English Bulldog, because phlegmatic people learn commands more slowly. However, according to experts, dogs with this type of temperament remember what they have learned for a very long time.

Step 2
There are basic training principles that are appropriate for almost all dog breeds. It is important to choose the right time for classes: a bulldog who has just dined is unlikely to react to a treat, his only thought, most likely, will be the desire to lie down and sleep as soon as possible. Do not train your dog immediately after it has gone out for a walk. It will be difficult for the dog to concentrate, because there is so much new information around. Ideally, if it takes about 2-3 hours after eating, and 15-20 minutes after the start of the walk.

Step 3
You can use a treat to reward your dog. It is also important to praise your pet for correctly executed commands, and sometimes praise can be even more effective than the most delicious treat. Food rewards include finely chopped cheese or boiled meat, specialty dog biscuits, or dry food. It can be anything that the dog likes and is comfortable to use. Of course, it is better to refrain from using harmful products (smoked meats, chips, chocolate, etc.).

Step 4
First, it is worth learning the basic commands - "lie down" and "sit". Also, commands such as "to me" and "place" are suitable as an initial stage. To teach a dog to lie down or sit on command (the technique in this case is very similar), it is necessary to make it clear that the owner has something tasty in his hand. By gently pressing on the croup and showing a piece of delicacy, it is necessary to "help" the dog to take the necessary position by repeating the appropriate command several times. At the same time, the owner's voice should be even, but stern. As soon as the bulldog sits down or lies down, depending on what the owner requires of him, it is necessary to immediately give a treat and be sure to praise the animal. Only the owner knows for sure what will be most effective for his pet - to scratch behind the ear, vigorously pat or even pinch gently. The main thing is for the dog to understand that the owner is very pleased with the result.

Step 5
You should not try to learn several commands at once during the day. At the same time, if in the morning the dog has demonstrated that it has already understood, for example, the command "to lie down", it will be useful to consolidate the skill several more times. Gradually, commands should be given in different conditions - at home, on the street, in a quiet and busy place, at a party or at an exhibition. After learning the commands "lie down" and "sit", you can move on to more complex ones.
Step 6
If the bulldog is just beginning to learn the basics of training, it is better to give him a rest 20-30 minutes after the start of the "lesson". The total duration of classes depends on the age and nature of the pet. It is very important not to overdo it, especially during the first, initial stage, so that the dog associates training only with something interesting and pleasant. As already mentioned, most English Bulldogs are phlegmatic, and if they develop an aversion to classes, it will not be easy to convince the dog.