Traditionally, it is believed that it is not necessary to walk a cat or a cat, since they do not need to walk at all. However, the owner may want to walk the cat in order to diversify the life of the fluffy pet, show him the world outside the walls of the house and teach him to be independent. In addition, not all pets themselves are happy to be locked up, while there are so many interesting things happening on the street. If the cat's hunting instincts have woken up and it does not sit at home, you will have to take it for a walk.

It is necessary
Cat harness, cat treats, flea remedies, tick repellent
Step 1
Before you walk your cat, get all the necessary vaccinations. Do not forget that there may be mites in the grass. Treat the animal's fur with a flea and tick repellent. After the walk, carefully examine your pet and make sure there are no ticks on its fur.
Step 2
Train your pet to walk the streets from childhood. It will be easier for a small kitten to get used to and get used to the new environment than an adult cat.
Step 3
If you decide to let your cat out for the first time, use a special harness for cats and a cat leash. A harness is two collars attached together. They are fastened around the cat's neck and belly. Such a harness will prevent the pet from slipping out. Don't buy leather harnesses, even the softest ones. It is better to purchase a harness for the cat made of lighter materials. Make sure to find the right size. If you can easily slip two fingers between the cat's body and the harness, then the size is correct. Do not use a collar on your cat. These animals have weakened neck muscles, so the collar can injure them.
Step 4
Train your cat to use the harness. It is better to put on a harness at home for a start, let it get used to it in advance. Cats are very sensitive creatures, at first the harness will greatly interfere with them. These pets really don't like restriction of freedom, so be prepared for an overly emotional reaction. Let the cat sniff it before putting it on. Then put it on. Wait for the first discontent to pass. Remove when the cat forgets about the harness that restrains movement and relaxes. Over time, the cat will finally get used to the frequent presence of the harness. Attach a leash and walk your pet around the rooms in the apartment. If the cat calmly goes about its business and does not try to escape, it's time to walk it outside.
Step 5
Find a suitable place to walk. A lot of noise, a crowd of people and a pack of dogs, of course, will scare the pet, which went for a walk for the first time. Find a more or less secluded spot away from the bustle of the city. For example, a clearing in a public garden or a cozy corner in a park will do.
Step 6
If you are walking your cat on a leash, do not pull it after you. On the contrary, follow her. True, cats are curious creatures, so you can be anywhere with her. If your cat is pulling you in the wrong direction, call her or lure her with a tasty treat. Do not pull or jerk the leash. Even if your cat does not behave the way you expected, do not punish or scold her.
Step 7
Try to let your cat go for a walk in warm, sunny weather. Your cat can treat yourself to fresh green grass and bask in the sun.
Step 8
Don't walk with your cat for too long. After walking, wash her paws thoroughly. If you are very worried that your pet will get lost, put on a collar with a special metal keychain. Include information in it for someone who is likely to find a lost cat. Enter your pet's name, phone number and / or home address. The very presence of a collar will indicate that the cat is not homeless, that it has an owner.