Why Do Reptiles Need Mobility

Why Do Reptiles Need Mobility
Why Do Reptiles Need Mobility

"Born to crawl" - this is how one can briefly describe all representatives of the extraordinary class of reptiles on planet Earth. Slowly to crawl across the steppe for a turtle, sneakily move "on bellies" for a lizard and languidly pull its body along the wet shore for a crocodile, it seems, is inscribed by fate.

The presence of the cervical spine distinguishes reptiles from amphibians
The presence of the cervical spine distinguishes reptiles from amphibians

Born to crawl

Reptiles (or reptiles) have exactly the same limbs as the most organized four-legged animals - mammals and birds. However, it is worth looking at how the reptiles move, and it becomes humanly pity for them. Poor animals bend, constantly touch their small (compared to the body) limbs in order to move their overweight body and powerful tail (for example, monitor lizards and crocodiles). Snakes, it seems, have nothing else to do but to crawl on the ground forever.

Why do reptiles need torso and leg mobility?

If you carefully examine the limb of some lizard (for example, a quick one), you can notice its amazing similarity with a human hand: the front limb of a lizard has a shoulder, an elbow, and a forearm, and even a hand with fingers, and the back has a thigh, shin and foot.

But be that as it may, the limbs of reptiles are much weaker than those of mammals, and cannot constantly support their torso in a suspended state above the ground. But this is exactly what is necessary for normal movement or running.

It is worth noting that among reptiles there are no runners at all, like not only horses, ostriches or cheetahs, but even the most ordinary domestic cat, but, as you know, movement is life! Without movement or running, it is impossible to catch prey, escape from the enemy, take shelter from the weather in time, etc. The ability to move dexterously is one of the "postulates" of the quality of life. That is why reptiles, like any other living organism, need mobility.

Why do reptiles need head mobility?

Basically, the answer will be the same as above: for a quality life. It is worth explaining. The fact is that reptiles, according to the laws of animal evolution, are an extension of amphibians (amphibians) that have mastered the land. One of the main features that distinguishes reptiles from amphibians is the presence of the cervical region. In other words, reptiles have a neck that allows them to turn their heads in different directions. This is very important for reptiles.

For example, the same nimble lizard, having heard any rustle or sound, instantly turns its head in the appropriate direction and visually evaluates what is happening. If the lizard is in danger, then it simply scatters and remains alive, and if there is potential prey ahead, then the reptile instantly grabs it and does not die of hunger.

Briefly about the main thing

It is worth noting that the general mobility and the ability to turn the head makes reptiles the most flexible in comparison with the same amphibians, as well as more or less mobile, but at the same time quite lightning-fast hunters!
