Rabbits, such cute pets, bring joy to their owner with just one look. But it turns out, if you make an effort and have patience, you can teach a rabbit to follow simple commands, be obedient and understand its owner.

It is necessary
- - pieces of your favorite rabbit food;
- - plywood obstacle.
Step 1
Think about what exactly you want to teach your rabbit. He can quite easily learn to jump over obstacles, for example, a hoop, stand on his hind legs, stomp, jump. Please note that you can only train a rabbit that knows its owner well and is friendly to him.
Step 2
Don't feed your rabbit 3-5 hours before class. Let him be a little hungry, but not enough to rush into food. Prepare your favorite treats in advance - an apple, carrot, fresh grass. Choose early morning or late evening for training - this is the most active time in the life of rabbits. Do not force the animal to exercise, but do it regularly. This process should be enjoyable for both you and your pet.

Step 3
Start training with simple exercises. These include jumping over an obstacle, taking a stance position. If your pet does not succeed in completing your task, in no case beat him or shout. However, only reward your pet with a treat if successful.

Step 4
Train your rabbit to respond to your name. To do this, take out your favorite treat and call the rabbit's name out loud. Repeat the same phrase every time, do not even change the word order. For example, "Krolya, come to me!". Now, whenever you show your rabbit food, say his name. Give a treat only if the rabbit runs up to you.

Step 5
Teach your rabbit to stand up on command. Pick up a piece of food and hold it at floor level. Give your rabbit a treat. Then slowly raise your hand with the food up. Stop periodically and give your rabbit a bite. Repeat the same word constantly in an even, calm voice, for example, "Stop!" Pet the pet when it completes your task. Over time, the rabbit will not react to the treat, but to your command.

Step 6
Prepare an obstacle for jumping. Make it from plywood, wood. It must be stable, no more than 30 cm wide, and no more than 15 cm high for young rabbits, 20-25 cm for adults. Install an obstacle near the wall, and on the other side, put a board, thus constructing a runway corridor. Place the rabbit at the start, and hold your hand with the treat behind the obstacle and command "Up!" or "Jump!" Your pet will love this exercise. Rabbits are happy to jump up, especially when they receive a tasty reward for this.