In the first days of life, puppies are very weak and defenseless. Their eyes and ear canals are closed, which means that the puppies are deaf and blind. At this time, small pets are completely dependent on the mother and their owners.

For newborn puppies, the most important thing in the first days of life is to be well-fed, warm, clean. A mother-dog and a human are involved in providing these conditions for babies. Often, a primiparous bitch does not feel well after giving birth, then the owner takes care of the puppies.

Check newborns as often as possible (several times a day). Pay attention to the nostrils of babies - they should not be clogged with dried milk, otherwise breathing will be difficult. Wipe the puppy's nose with a cotton pad soaked in warm water as needed.

The tail and anus should also be clean and dry. If there is a sticky discharge, gently wash your baby with warm water and dry with a soft towel. Baby cream will help with redness of the anus. The puppy's still closed eyes require special care to prevent infection. If you find pus in the corners of your eyes, see your veterinarian, otherwise there is a danger for the baby to go blind.
Pay attention to the bedding where the mother-bitch and the children lie. Lay the fleece blanket down, but not absolutely evenly, but making bumps and lumps. This is done so that the puppies' ribcages are not flattened yet. Place the diapers on the blanket, they need to be changed daily. Keep the nest dry and warm. You can put a warm heating pad under the diapers and change as it cools.
To ensure that your dog has enough milk to feed the little ones, provide it with adequate nutrition at least 4 times a day. In the first hours and days of life, puppies should feed on mother's milk or colostrum, which contains everything necessary for their development and protection of immunity. Place the weakest individuals near the milky nipples and make sure that they are not shoved away. If milk is still not enough, purchase a substitute and complementary food at the pet store.
Babies cannot empty the bladder and intestines on their own, the mother helps them in this - she licks them, massaging them with her tongue. Some bitches are too weak after giving birth and cannot properly care for the offspring, imitate the movements of the dog's tongue with a damp cotton pad before the discharge appears.
Your puppies will grow up to be cheerful strong dogs if you provide them with care and affection from the first hours of life!