Cyperus: Care And Reproduction

Cyperus: Care And Reproduction
Cyperus: Care And Reproduction

Many lovers and lovers of indoor plants are increasingly buying flowers without having sufficient knowledge of caring for them, which is why there is a risk of harming the plant. If a cyperus appears in the collection of a florist, be sure to carefully study the rules for caring for it.


The origin of cyperus

The natural environment for the growth of cyperus is tropical and subtropical regions. This flower belongs to the sedge family, in common people it has another name - to feed. It prefers to grow near water bodies or in swampy areas. To date, about six hundred varieties of cyperus are known.

Cyperus care

Since Cyperus is native to the tropics, abundant watering is simply vital for him. To ensure favorable conditions, the roots of cyperus must be moist, and the plant itself must be kept in the shade, since the flower will wither and begin to dry from direct sunlight. Frequent and abundant spraying of cyperus with room temperature water is also recommended. When breeding cyperus at home, it is imperative to observe the correct temperature regime: in summer about 20-25 degrees Celsius, in winter the temperature should not drop below 12 degrees. This plant does not need intensive feeding: it is enough to water the plant with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers once or twice a month.

Correct breeding of cyperus

Reproduction of cyperus is carried out in four ways: by seeds, cuttings, division and rosettes. For propagation by seeds, it is necessary to prepare bowls with a mixture consisting of one part of sand and two parts of peat soil. After planting the seeds, cover the container with glass or cling film. Water the seeds with warm water. After the sprout becomes large enough, it is planted in pots with a wall height of seven centimeters. No more than three plants can be planted in one pot.

Cutting propagation must be carried out in the spring. Before separating the cutting, it will be necessary to reduce the surface of the leaves by two-thirds. It is best to cut the cutting at the lower whorl angle of the upper part of the shoot. The finished cutting is planted in a pot filled with peat soil with neutral acidity.

Only an adult cyperus, aged two years or more, can be divided for breeding. When transplanting, you need to carefully divide the rhizome of the plant: usually by the time the cyperus is ready to reproduce by division, two or more groups of roots have been formed, so there is no need to cut them. The separated bush should be planted in the ground and provided with abundant watering.

The last type of reproduction is carried out by cutting off a part of the shoot with a deciduous rosette. After cutting, the rosette is placed in a container with wet sand. After planting the shoot, it is necessary to provide heating of the lower soil layer. The recommended heating temperature is from 20 to 24 degrees. After the roots appear on the cutting, it is transplanted into the soil.
