Companion dogs have appeared relatively recently. A man, primarily a city dweller, needed a friend. A loyal and understanding person who would help while away a long winter evening or be a companion on a walk in the park. Such a companion has become a dog, which does not take up much of the owner's time and does not bring any special problems. Small and medium-sized dog breeds are best suited for this purpose.

Step 1
Finnish Spitz. This breed is very popular in Scandinavia. Very beautiful, often participates in various exhibitions. She is sociable, loves her home. He enjoys walking, but will gladly sit with the owner in front of the TV or fireplace. The Finnish Spitz is a medium-sized dog. At the withers, the male is 45 cm. The head is medium, the muzzle is slightly elongated, the ears are small, from the very base the curled tail lies tightly on the thigh. The coat is soft, reddish-red on the back, much lighter on the sides and on the belly. The difficulties of keeping can only be attributed to the need for daily brushing of wool.

Step 2
Mittel Schnauzer. The breed is popular not only in Germany but also in Russia. An intelligent and good-natured dog who loves playing with children. He loves walks, especially if he is allowed to play with the ball. The dog is well built, strong, muscular. The height of the male is 48 cm, just below the bitch. The head is large, the muzzle is massive with a prominent mustache and beard. The tail, docked to three vertebrae, is set high. Color - "pepper and salt". The coat is harsh and requires daily brushing. It is necessary to trim it in spring and autumn, but many limit themselves to a haircut. Grooming a coat takes time. Perhaps this is the main disadvantage of keeping the Mittel Schnauzer as a companion dog.

Step 3
English Toy Terrier. Elegant, extraordinarily charming, cheerful and perky little dog. Growth up to 30 cm, weight a little over 3 kg. The color is black and tan. The tan markings have clear boundaries. The head is long, wedge-shaped. The tail is set low, thick at the base and tapering towards the end, sometimes docked. Wool is brushed and smoothed with a mitten. To make the coat shine, once a week the toy terrier is given a teaspoon of fish oil.

Step 4
French Bulldog. Ideal weight for males is just over 12 kg, for bitches 2 kg less. Easily adapts to short walks. "Frenchman" - stocky, muscular, with smooth hair, very agile. The color is predominantly bronze or brindle. The head is massive, wide, the tail is small, set low. Thanks to his temperament and affection, he will quickly become everyone's favorite in the family.

Step 5
Poodle. Many in childhood dreamed of such an intelligent and obedient dog. The poodle is an unusually docile and devoted friend. There is no better companion for a family with children. They love to play and frolic, run after a stick or a ball. Poodle hair grows throughout its life and therefore needs to be trimmed quarterly. Dogs of this breed are true circus performers. They need training, as such a dog is easily spoiled.