The choice of the breed of decorative dog should be taken seriously. Each of them has its own characteristics and character. It is wrong to call them indoor, they are just small. Just like large dogs, they need space and fresh air.

There are many decorative species
One of the most popular is the Maltese or Maltese lapdog. She is very attractive in that her thick snow-white coat runs down the length of her body. At the same time, the wool does not form curls and does not break into separate strands. Looks like a royal coat. Of the miniature dogs, it is the most glamorous.
The Chinese Crested ─ is either naked or downy. There is a crest on the head. Very hardy dogs, rarely get sick and unpretentious in maintenance. They love to play with rubber toys and get along well with other animals. Does not cause seizures in allergy sufferers. They also rarely bark, and express their emotions with facial expressions.
The Japanese Chin is the oldest of the breeds, with a history of origin dating back thousands of years. These dogs do not need to be walked, they quickly learn to use the litter box. They very rarely bark, never bite. They are real companions for their masters.
The Pomeranian is a compact dog, very similar to a plush toy. Very playful, tolerates travel well, gets along well with other animals. She loves to bark, and her voice is very clear.
Yorkshire Terrier is a very miniature dog weighing up to 1.5 kg. Was bred as a rat dog. It has a long coat with no undercoat. Therefore, it never sheds. Very funny and quick-witted dog, has good hearing. Every rustle warns the owner with a loud bark.
Chihuahuas are very miniature, up to 23 cm high at the withers. Observant, quick-witted, agile and cheerful, they perfectly understand their master at a glance. Has a stable psyche, unlike other "kids".
Griffons ─ have a unique character. They are infinitely loyal to the owner, feel his mood and imitate. Indiscriminate and obedient, they are friends with all pets, especially cats.
The Russian Toy Terrier is a city dog, unpretentious in its care. It is not necessary to walk with her, she easily learns to use the tray. The brave and the fighting will always protect themselves and their master. A sociable and affectionate toy can become a devoted companion for years to come.
Bolognese ─ do not have an undercoat, therefore they do not shed. This breed is hypoallergenic. Wool requires constant care: the curls must be combed, washed and cut. He has an agreeable character, but he cannot be alone at all.
Papillons come in two varieties: with erect ears and hanging ears. Their large relatives are spaniels. They are very affectionate, playful and quick-witted. They have a good memory and love to travel.
Not all breeds of decorative dogs are listed above. There are a lot of them.
Features of the
Dogs of decorative breeds are ideal for those people who have never kept a dog at home in their life, as well as for families with small children and the elderly who cannot walk with their pet for a long time. a lot of space in the apartment, they eat much less food than large dogs and it is convenient to travel with them.
As a rule, these dogs are very delicate. For example, a toy terrier, jumping off the couch, can break his paw. They do not tolerate cold, therefore they need special clothing.
Due to their tiny size, many of these breeds have difficulties in pregnancy. For example, Chihuahua puppies can be born only with the help of a "caesarean section", which entails additional costs.
Many breeds require a lot of attention to grooming. When choosing such a dog, all the pros and cons must be taken into account in order to bring joy to each other in communication for many years.