Italian Greyhound Dog: Breed Features

Italian Greyhound Dog: Breed Features
Italian Greyhound Dog: Breed Features

Italian greyhound, or Italian greyhound, is considered one of the oldest dog breeds, purposefully bred as indoor dogs, intended for life in the palaces of aristocrats. Today this breed is becoming popular again and it is already possible to see it not only on the canvases of old masters.

Italian greyhound dog: breed features
Italian greyhound dog: breed features

The appearance of Italian greyhounds

Italian greyhounds are small indoor dogs, their height at the withers does not exceed 33-38 cm, and their weight is 5 kilograms. They are distinguished by special grace and grace, innate delicacy and real aristocracy. Dogs of this breed have a uniform white, fawn, red or gray-blue color. They are smooth-haired with a short, smooth and shiny coat. Hair care is minimal - periodically, but more often during shedding, clean it with a special mitten or wipe it off with a hard, slightly damp towel. This dog should be washed as little as possible - the skin and coat of Italian greyhounds are very dry, so it is better to use special dog shampoos.

High straight front and hind legs with well-developed muscles, lean body with a sunken belly, wedge-shaped elongated head, small ears - these are the features of the portrait of the Italian greyhound. But these dogs were appreciated not only for their gracefulness, but also for their extraordinary quick wit, combined with devotion.

The nature of the Italian greyhounds

The Italian Greyhound is distinguished by a special, to the point of affection, devotion to the owner. She needs to be with him all the time, best of all - to sit in his arms. She is very affectionate and willingly lets herself be stroked. She does not like it when they shout at her - she can be offended and quite genuinely suffer for several hours. She does not tolerate competition - she just needs all attention to be paid only to her, therefore she does not tolerate keeping in the nursery.

The peculiarity of the Italian greyhound's character is innate obedience, but this does not mean at all that this trait does not need to be brought up in her. It is better to start the training and education of this breed of dogs, quick-witted and loving praise, from an early age. They are excellent manipulators and know how to use the slightest weakness of the owner, sometimes they even do it in defiance to test his patience. It’s worth stocking up on patience, because you can’t scold the Italian greyhound, after that there will be no training lesson.

A sensitive and affectionate Italian greyhound is a companion dog, but it is not very suitable for a family with small children who can hurt her. But as a pet of an elderly calm and balanced person, this will be the most suitable option - she will give him a lot of pleasant minutes with her presence, filled with love and tenderness, which is so lacking at this age.

This breed is not cheap, due to the peculiarities of breeding. Italian greyhounds rarely give birth to more than 1-2 puppies, therefore, they belong to rare species of breeds.
