About two-thirds of the life of domestic cats and cats is spent in a state of slumber. This is about twice as much as people sleep. If your cat sleeps less than ten hours a day, it can get sick.

The length of a cat's sleep per day depends on temperament, age and size. On average, adult cats and cats take 13-16 hours a day to sleep. Cats choose a place to sleep carefully, giving preference to soft warm corners.

Sleep in cats is very sensitive - most of the time they do not sleep, but doze. As for what is happening around, they are very vigilant and immediately jump up if something significant happens, or in order to make sure that everything is fine in the vicinity.

Why do cats sleep so much

Cats are predators, but they lack the herd instinct. The nature of the representatives of the feline family is associated with the hunting instinct. The prey of cats - birds, rodents, some species of beetles - is most active at sunrise and at sunset, therefore, hunters are most active during these hours.

An animal, noticing prey, sneaks up on it and tries to catch it. If the attempt was successful, the prey is eaten, then the cats, with a sense of accomplishment, calmly fall asleep. In most cases, cats do the same - if at this time they are not burdened with caring for their offspring or are not actively looking for a partner, they have no other worries.

Most modern cats live in complete comfort and do not need to find food for themselves and find a safe place to sleep. They have no other occupation except sleep. The life schedule will mainly depend on the owners - if the house is empty for most of the day, the animal will sleep at this time. Sometimes cats fall asleep simply out of boredom, if there are no other animals in the house, and all the owners have gone about their business.
In fact, cats do not sleep, but doze
Many cat breeders are confident that cats are more active at night than during the day. But in fact, they sleep most of the night. Why not get some sleep, if the stomach is full and there are no enemies nearby.
But a sound sleep is only an appearance. Cats' sense of smell and hearing are on all the time. As soon as you rustle a bag or start opening a can of canned food in the kitchen, the cat immediately jumps up and runs to find out if they will give you something to eat. Consequently, cats do not sleep, but while away the time waiting for something interesting.
Compared to adult cats and cats, small kittens take even longer to sleep. Partly because they are just beginning to develop and spend most of their time in a secluded place. The mother cat puts them there, instinctively protecting them from possible enemies. Growing up, the kitten gradually adapts to the "adult" sleep pattern - 16 hours a day.