Pet cat owners often encounter certain animal habits that can be difficult to rationalize rationally. For example, it is difficult to understand why a cat might ignore a specially purchased playhouse and sleep at a person's feet instead. Nevertheless, an attentive owner will be able to find an explanation for this.

One of the simplest reasons that can come to mind is a cat's love for its owner. And if he is often not at home during the day, then the animal uses the night time in order to spend more time with the owner.

This opinion is contradicted by the views of some people who believe that cats are not capable of deep affection for humans. The reality refutes these views. Of course, cats are more independent of the owner than dogs. They often do not need the constant presence of a person. However, if the cat lives in a family, you may find that he will have more sympathy for one of the people than for the rest, and therefore sleep in his bed.

Another reason that can induce a cat to sleep at its feet is to demonstrate its rights to human attention. This is especially true if there are several cats in the house. Thus, one of the animals can show others its closeness to the owner.

The third reason can be considered the love of cats to sleep in warmth. The temperature of the human body is higher than, say, a simple sofa, so the animal may tend to sleep on the owner. This theory is also confirmed by the fact that in the absence of the ability to sleep on a person, a cat can arrange a resting place under a radiator or next to other heating devices.

There is another widespread version that the cat sleeps in the "sore spots" of a person, as he feels them. In fact, this version is not scientifically confirmed. The owners of the animal themselves can pay attention to the fact that it chooses a place to sleep, regardless of what the person is sick with. Most likely, cats respond only to human mood, the deterioration of which can be caused, among other things, by physical condition. Therefore, a cat can sleep on a person even if the owner is sick in order to “comfort” him.