Sometimes, when buying unpeeled pink salmon in a store, you can get a bonus of about 200-250 grams of red caviar along with delicious fish. Some buyers deliberately prefer whole fish in the hope of a pleasant surprise. At the beginning of spawning, when fish are caught, there are about ten males per female, so the chances of getting the coveted delicacy are not very great, but if you learn to distinguish the male pink salmon from the female, caviar will be on your table much more often. And it's completely free.

Step 1
Don't try to pick a fish based on its size. No matter what they tell you, in nature there is no regularity in the size of the female and male pink salmon. There are deviations in both directions. Although females rarely grow too large. Their weight is usually close to the average 1, 2 - 1, 8 kg. But males can be very large and very modest in size.
Step 2
Pay attention to the color of the fish. As usual in nature, males are colored brighter than females. The male pink salmon has a brighter color, and the female scales are usually inconspicuous, grayish, with less pronounced color transitions.
Step 3
If you put a male and a female next to it, you can see that the outlines of the male's body are more predatory, coarse, the carcass is more elongated, and there is very often a noticeable hump on the back. It was this outgrowth that gave the name to this species. The body contours of the female are smooth, rounded.
Step 4
It is seldom possible to carefully compare fish in a store, because, as a rule, fresh-frozen fish covered with hoarfrost or frozen ice are on sale.
Step 5
Examine the head of the selected fish carefully. Males are forced to fight for the female during spawning, so the head of the male looks more predatory. Thanks to evolution, male pink salmon acquired elongated, curved jaws and large teeth. The female's head is short, round, the jaws are even and do not bend up as much as in the male. The female's nose appears blunt compared to the male's.
Step 6
In addition to the head, pay attention to the tail fin. The tail of the male appears to be shorter because it is almost flat. The female's hind fin is more elongated in length, since she needs more maneuverability during the spawning period.
Step 7
If you look at pink salmon from the side of the muzzle, it can be noted that the body of the male is flatter. The sides and backs of the female appear to be better nourished.