How To Increase Your Cat's Appetite

How To Increase Your Cat's Appetite
How To Increase Your Cat's Appetite

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Some owners are periodically faced with the fact that their cat begins to eat poorly. Lack of appetite can have different reasons, which means that you need to fight it in different ways.


Step 1

If the animal's appetite has disappeared, but at the same time you are sure that she is healthy (remains cheerful, playful and agile), you do not need to be upset. Perhaps the cat is simply tired of her daily food. In this case, different owners act differently. Someone will decide to change the diet of their beloved pussy and start feeding her something more attractive, and someone will leave the food on the plate, judging like this: "If you get hungry, you will eat it." There is nothing cruel about the last decision. The cat always knows how much food she needs, she will not voluntarily malnourish or overeat. In the first case, you run the risk of spoiling your pet.

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Step 2

If the cat's appetite has disappeared, you need to show her to the veterinarian. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests for you and determine the cause of your low appetite. Perhaps the cause is gastrointestinal disease or bad teeth. Constantly suffering from pain, the animal simply cannot eat food. You don't need to self-medicate! Start treating your cat only after consulting your doctor.

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Step 3

Pet stores sell a sufficient amount of cat vitamins, which include seaweed, catnip, yeast and other useful substances. These vitamins are specially formulated for cats. They improve the metabolism, and as a result, the animal's appetite increases. Many cats like to eat specially sprouted grass. It also strengthens the animal's immune system and improves appetite. You can buy sprouted grass at the pet store or grow it yourself.

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Step 4

The key to a good cat's appetite is a healthy stomach. In order to keep your pet's digestive system normal, try to feed her the yolk of a raw egg a couple of times a week. Also, professional dry food for sensitive digestion will not hurt, but even such food should not be fed to the cat all the time.
