Language Of Cats: Translator From Feline

Language Of Cats: Translator From Feline
Language Of Cats: Translator From Feline

None of the animals can compare with the cat in terms of expressiveness in the manifestation of feelings. She betrays all her emotions with the help of body movements, expressions of eyes, sounds, smells. By observing the habits of a domestic purr, you can learn feline language.

Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline

Amazing creatures of nature are able to convey information through facial expressions, with the help of a tail, ears and in other ways.

All variants of the lexicon for furry linguists are divided into several groups:

  • audio communication;
  • facial expressions;
  • touching;
  • body movements;
  • poses.


Meowing means a lot to cats. Sound communication includes greeting the owner with a cat, requests to treat him with something tasty, an expression of protest. In its amazing language, the animal makes sounds appropriate for each individual case. They differ in timbre and strength.

In a state of fear or pain, the sound decreases, with complacency or satisfaction, it becomes high. Purring means that the pet is not experiencing any aggression.

With such trills, furry mothers call their babies. Also, a purr is heard when the owner returns home. Thus, the cat greets.

Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline

Rumbling is a warning to others. Determination to defend means a low timbre, the addition of hitting the ground with a paw and snorting speaks of an upcoming fight with a serious opponent.

An interesting sign is the clicking of the teeth. This is how the cat declares the prey it sees. The conversation starts with a meow. The animal uses vowels extremely rarely, only if it wants to eat or go out.

Facial expressions

Facial expressions will help you understand the language of cats. Pussies know all expressions from birth. Half-closed eyes indicate serenity, wide-open ones indicate concern about something.

Dilated pupils mean that the animal is frightened by the environment. If the pet stares at close range, then he is challenging. The narrowed eyes have the same meaning.

The gaze turned to the side is a sign of submission. Animal ears are another way of speaking. If they are pressed, the owner is scared, lowered on the sides - aggressively set up.

Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline

Rook-shaped ears facing forward indicate relaxation. When a furry predator nervously wiggles its ears, it expresses uncertainty or is annoyed.

A sign of bliss is a closed or slightly open mouth. If the teeth are barely raised in a grin, then the pet wants to bite. The feline's "grin" expresses interest in the smell. Otherwise, it is called "Flemin's smile".

Cats yawn when completely relaxed, and quick lip licking signals confusion.


If the cat sniffs, it expresses submission. When their noses touch, the animals show a friendly attitude towards each other.

Attachment to a person is expressed by rubbing the head against the legs. The cat butts, rubs its forehead against the forehead - it expresses the degree of affection that only the chosen one is awarded. Another element of the cat's tongue is the paws.

Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline

Irritated or worried cats strike a sharp blow with their front paw. A light touch of the owner's face is a sign of a request.

And the paws fingered in time with the purr are interpreted as complete satisfaction.

Body movements

The tail has a special expressiveness. The animal reports that it is in a friendly mood when it is lifted up. Therefore, kittens only keep their tails up. They are interested in everything around. A frightened animal always has a tail between its paws.

When it is fluffed up, the owner is very aggressive. Dominant animals keep their tails high, subordinates "carry" them down.

When a cat taps its tail on the floor, it warns of extreme irritation. The tail moving quickly from side to side expresses aggression, and a slight waving of the tip indicates the relaxation of the animal.

Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline


The pose of a fluffy pet tells a lot. There are many different provisions. The choice depends on the targeting.

"Flight distance" is the distance at which the animal feels its safety next to the enemy. At first, the animal scares the enemy so that he does not cross the line. If the enemy dares to go abroad, the cat starts to run.

The almost not hunched back, the fur slightly fluffed on the withers and tail is a threat. The predator looks into the eyes of the opponent and begins to howl.

The cat can stay in this position for a very long time. She remains motionless. So the animal tries to suppress the fighting spirit of the enemy. If the purr whips himself on the sides, he is ready to start a fight at any moment: the cat is angry.

The next action is to hit the nose with a paw. The attacker is aiming at the back of the head. If this succeeds, the enemy is captured.

Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline

Compliance and serenity - the cat lies on its back or on its side. Another expression of calmness is the legs spread out to the sides, the pads being compressed and unclenched, and the half-closed eyes.

The indecision of the animal is manifested in a rather original way. This condition is accompanied by licking. As the complexity of the actions increases, the movements of the tongue become more and more decisive.

A short phrasebook with translation

Licking is a kind of sedative, eliminator of irritation. Over the years, a kind of cat-human dictionary has been compiled.

With its help, owners can find out exactly what the pet is trying to tell them. The paw stretched to the face expresses the hope for attention and affection. Wide-open pupils indicate fear.

  • Stomping with its paws, lightly releasing its claws - the cat is happy with the person, she adores him, wants to do something pleasant.
  • The squinting animal is good-natured and peaceful.
  • Licking your nose and lips quickly is confusing.
  • When a domestic predator hits with its tail, it gets angry or hunts.
  • Eyes and pupils that have become huge signal that the pet has fear, anger, or that the animal is busy playing.
Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline

Joy and a kind of greeting means a tail raised by a pipe. Wiggling its tip is an expression of interest. If the animal stares at a person, then he challenges him. Usually, this is how the cat invites you to play catch-up with her.

  • If the furry is worried, he begins to quickly lick the front paw.
  • When the animal is disappointed or disgusted, its tail freezes down.
  • The head of an animal rubbed on the head of a person speaks of high devotion to a pet.
  • Vigorous tail swings are a signal of an irritation that has arisen. A shallow wiggle indicates aroused curiosity.
  • Ears pressed to the head warn of readiness for an attack. If the action is supplemented by circular movements with the tail, then irritation is also added.

The vibrissa whiskers directed forward are indicative of interest.

  • Ears set vertically are curiosity.
  • If the animal looked around, then began to lick, this means pretended, usually, at the time of the game, calmness.
  • A tail raised vertically with a relaxed tip expresses joyful excitement.
  • When the animal is pressed to the floor, it prepares to attack.
  • Meowing means a request or a greeting.
  • The ears laid back and the eyes widened are a warning.
  • Loud scratching with claws - a desire to attract attention to yourself.

A drooping mustache is a sign of grief or a signal of illness.

Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline

The cat turns to the human face with its rear and raises its tail - a cat's greeting. This behavior is also indicative of trust.

  • Calm means purring.
  • Discontent is expressed by rumbling.
  • A short cry signals fear.
  • An intermittent meow is the answer to a person's appeal.

A cat or a cat rolls on the floor if it wants to show its attractiveness. Howling means the anger of the animal.

  • Self-confidence - legs extended forward, fearfulness - bent legs.
  • A hiss followed by a disgruntled rumbling is a warning or a sign of exhausted patience.
  • If a furry predator arches its back in an arc, grumbles, the enemy should be frightened. This is how readiness for defense is expressed.

When a cat who is nursing toddlers hums in restraint, she warns children about the possible danger. If the rumbling completes the raised tone, then this is a warning to others not to approach the kittens.

  • The cat hiding its head is hiding in this way.
  • A relaxed and calmly-minded domestic predator has a mustache drooping on the sides of the muzzle.
  • If an animal flees away from a person, pulling its head in, he has done something.
  • A displeased, humming voice signals the pet's concern.
  • A fluffy just observes if it sits with its tail wrapped around it, its paws tucked in.
  • Dancing with the front legs off the floor is a greeting of a loved one.
  • If the cat snorts, rubs its nose with its paws, then it thus demonstrates discomfort.
Language of cats: translator from feline
Language of cats: translator from feline

It is not difficult to understand the emotions of small predators and understand how a pet speaks. You just need to treat them with love.
