How To Remove Ticks From Kittens

How To Remove Ticks From Kittens
How To Remove Ticks From Kittens

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Returning from a walk with your pets, you may find an unpleasant surprise at home. Running on the grass, kittens can pick up ticks. Digging into the animal and saturating, the tick transfers pathogens of various diseases into the blood, so it must be removed as soon as possible.

How to remove ticks from kittens
How to remove ticks from kittens

It is necessary

  • - vegetable oil or petroleum jelly,
  • - cotton wool,
  • - tweezers,
  • - disinfectants (iodine, brilliant green, antibiotic ointment)


Step 1

Take the kitten in your arms, lubricate the skin around the tick and the bloodsucker itself with sunflower oil, petroleum jelly, alcohol or gasoline using a cotton swab. Wait a while. If the tick persists, you will have to remove it.

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Step 2

Ask a family member or friend to help hold the kitten, as the animal will not wait calmly while you remove the tick. Take a pair of tweezers, gently grab the head or jaws of the tick. Do not take the tick by the body, it can come off, and the head can remain in the body of the animal, causing inflammation. Remove the tick by pulling it towards you, without jerking it, slightly turning it around its axis.

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Step 3

Destroy the tick. Do not crush it under any circumstances, as the tick can be a source of infection. Disinfect the kitten's wound with iodine, brilliant green, alcohol or antibiotic ointment by applying the disinfectant to a cotton swab. Wash your hands thoroughly. Give the kitten a treat to calm down after the experience.
