How Teeth Change In Dogs

How Teeth Change In Dogs
How Teeth Change In Dogs

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Dogs are guards and protectors by their very nature, even those of them who belong to the representatives of decorative "toy" breeds, so teeth for them are not just a tool for chewing food. Good, strong teeth are a guarantee and an indicator of a dog's health.

How teeth change in dogs
How teeth change in dogs


Step 1

Like many representatives of the order of mammals, dogs are born without teeth, they begin to grow in 3-4 weeks, and only by the end of the 5-8th week they have the first set of dairy products. Moreover, even in representatives of the same breed, the first teeth may appear with a difference of 1-2 weeks. There are only 28 of them in the set - on the upper and lower jaw there are 2 canines, 6 incisors and 6 premolars, the puppies have no molars. The period when the puppy's teeth are teething can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations and even mild malaise. For those puppies whose ears are already well set, they may go down again. At this time, dogs can start to spoil things - they chew them to "scratch" their gums, they also begin to bite more often.

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Step 2

The second attack of vandalism begins in puppies when milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones, so the owner should not be angry with the chewed slippers, but provide the dog with special "chewing" toys. This period starts at about 3 months and can last up to 8 months. The dog's milk teeth are either lost during play, or simply swallowed when they eat. As a rule, they fall out under the pressure exerted by an already growing permanent tooth, and in the place of the fallen one, in the formed hole, you can immediately see the one that is growing in replacement.

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Step 3

Veterinarians note that the larger the breed, the faster the change of teeth occurs. In small breed dogs, Yorkshire and Toy Terriers, this process is delayed and presents a significant problem, since some milk teeth have not yet had time to fall out when the permanent ones begin to grow. The owner should often examine the puppy's mouth and remove the milk tooth in time if it interferes with the growth of the permanent one. To help him fall out, include more solid food in the puppy's diet - carrots, cut into large pieces, crackers, special bones.

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Step 4

When teeth change, the first, as a rule, begin to change the incisors, then the premolars change, the molars appear, the last canines grow. In the set of permanent teeth there are already 42 of them, 20 are located on the lower jaw, 22 on the upper, their change ends completely by 7-8 months.
