How To Bathe Dzungariks

How To Bathe Dzungariks
How To Bathe Dzungariks

Table of contents:


The Dzungarian hamster is a small bundle of positive emotions. He eats funny, puffs his cheeks funny and with his whole appearance constantly says that size does not matter. You take care of his health, try to find the right diet and arrange periodic walks on the couch and hands. How to wash it? After all, the water in the cage is only in the drinking bowl, but the baby may need to bathe. We comprehend the wisdom of the hamster's toilet.

How to bathe dzungariks
How to bathe dzungariks

It is necessary

  • - sand for swimming chinchillas;
  • - Plastic container;
  • - cotton pads.


Step 1

Let your dzhungarik carry out the manipulation of cleaning his own fur coat on his own. It only seems to man that all animals must take a bath, like himself. In practice, very few mammals actually need aquatic treatments. Keep a close eye on your hamster and you will notice that he spends a very large amount of time cleaning his own fur, like a cat. Dzhungariki are very clean and simply cannot allow glued hairs and even more crumbs to remain in their fur coat.

how to get rid of hamsters
how to get rid of hamsters

Step 2

For more thorough hygiene, hamsters need to take a sand bath. Contrary to popular belief, not only chinchillas, but also other species of rodents clean their skin in the sand. Purchase special sand for bathing chinchillas from the pet store and fill a small bathtub with it. For a Dzungarian hamster, a small plastic container can serve as such a bath, but you can also purchase a special bathing suit. Spread the sand in a small layer (about 2-3 cm) and place the container in the cage. If necessary, your hamster will definitely use it for its intended purpose.

how and how to wash a Dzungarian hamster
how and how to wash a Dzungarian hamster

Step 3

If you see that the hamster is so dirty that it cannot be cleaned by combing and bathing in the sand, wipe it with a damp cotton swab. The size of the jungarik allows you to use ordinary cotton pads for this purpose. Moisten one disc with warm water and gently wipe your little friend's fur coat until all dirt is gone. After the dirt has gone, be sure to wipe the hamster dry with another cotton pad. It is important that the baby's fur coat does not remain wet, because in a draft or cold, he can easily catch a cold.
