How To Bathe Budgies

How To Bathe Budgies
How To Bathe Budgies

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A budgerigar has appeared in your house. And now periodically it needs to be bathed in order to monitor the pet's feathers. Here are some simple tips to help you teach your bird to swim easily.

How to bathe budgies
How to bathe budgies


Step 1

Budgerigars are naturally very tidy. To do this, you can buy a bathing suit at a pet store. Since most parrots love to swim in a cage, you can hang it on the door. Make sure that the water is always at room temperature and always clean. Immediately after the pet bathes, remove the bathing suit from the cage so that he does not drink dirty water. Once a week is enough. But if it gets very hot, you can hang your bathing suit more often.

If the parrot does not show interest in bathing, you can put his favorite toy in this container - a mirror, a ball or a favorite treat. Or you can try to put some feed into the bathing suit first, and when the parrot gets used to climbing there, pour some water.

Step 2

In addition to the bathing suit, you can use a pallet. An ordinary cat litter box, for example. This is where the real space for the parrot is. He can spread his wings and tail, and dive under water. Some budgerigars are very fond of having their owners nearby. To do this, just be near him. If the parrot ignores this method, do not be discouraged.

Step 3

You can use an alternative method - bathing in a wet salad. Indeed, in natural nature, parrots bathe in the grass when there is morning dew. It will be great fun for your wavy pet. And if you have a pet parrot, you can bathe it in running water. But it is necessary to monitor the flow and temperature of the water.
