How To Cool An Aquarium

How To Cool An Aquarium
How To Cool An Aquarium

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Every summer, aquarium owners face one problem - what to do when the water in the aquarium heats up to 30 degrees. It is known that this temperature can be detrimental to most fish species. So what do you do?

How to cool an aquarium
How to cool an aquarium


Step 1

Too high a water temperature in an aquarium is dangerous because the solubility of oxygen in it decreases, while the content of harmful carbon dioxide increases. In addition, the decomposition of organic matter occurs faster in the overheated water, and this can also cause poisoning of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Please note that not all fish can tolerate a sharp increase in water temperature, many can get heatstroke. Also, overheating has a negative effect on the operation of aquarium equipment, since various filters and pumps are not equipped with their own cooling system, they are cooled with the help of water passed through them, overheated water often causes them to fail. aquarium in extreme heat? There are several ways, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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decorative aquariums without fish pictures

Step 2

Use a special aquarium cooler. Such devices are reliable and do not consume a lot of electricity. Note, however, that they have their drawbacks. They are very expensive (less than $ 500 and don't count), a large aquarium will require several devices, which means fabulous costs. In addition, many of these devices work only under the condition that the ambient temperature does not rise above 35 ° C, which makes them simply useless in case of abnormal summer heat. In addition, these devices are not equipped with their own cooling systems, which means that you will have to cool the device itself (most often with a fan).

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how to arrange an aquarium step by step

Step 3

Try old-fashioned ways to cool your aquariums. For example, change some of the water in the aquarium daily. Take some of the heated water and replace it with a colder one, thereby lowering the overall water temperature in the aquarium. In the most advanced cases, replace up to half of all the water in the aquarium.

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how to pour water into an aquarium so as not to damage the aquarium

Step 4

The second method (even more effective). Place ice packs in the aquarium. The main thing is to make sure that the container with ice is well closed, because if a leak occurs, the fish may die due to sudden hypothermia. Place ice packs in the least visited corners of your aquarium, as contact of the fish with the pack can end in failure. Change packages every 5-6 hours. And one more tip. In extreme heat, keep the aquarium lid open as the evaporation of the water will help lower the water temperature. If you keep the so-called jumping fish, then cover the aquarium with a mesh with small cells (precisely small ones so that the fish does not get stuck in them).
