The chinchilla is becoming more and more popular among pet lovers. Cute and fluffy, small in size, looks like a rabbit and a squirrel at once. There are two types of chinchillas - ordinary (long-tailed) and short-tailed. The animals are unpretentious in care and interesting in communication. Long-tailed chinchillas are kept and bred at home.

Step 1
Find out the age of the chinchilla when buying a pet from the seller. With the same content and nutrition, the female is usually larger than the male. Pay close attention to the behavior of the chinchillas. The female is usually more active and takes the leading position in the pair.

Step 2
Decide if you will keep one animal or if you need a pair to get offspring. Take the animals one by one. Flip them over on their backs and carefully examine the external genitals. If the animal does not have pronounced testicles (testicles), this does not mean that the female is in front of you. The external genitals in chinchillas are very similar in appearance, and sometimes even in an adult male, the testicles can be hidden under the surface of the body.

Step 3
In this case, evaluate not the genitals themselves, but how they are located. The main external difference between the male and the female lies in the gap between the genitals - the urethra (the female has the urethra, the male has the penis) and the anus (anus), which is located on the side of the tail. In the male, this gap is clearly pronounced and well noticeable (about 2-3 mm). The female does not have such a distance. As the animal matures, its genitals change slightly. But all the same, in an adult chinchilla, sex is determined precisely by the absence (in the female) or by the presence (in the male) of a clearly pronounced distance between the genitals and the anus.

Step 4
Buy a soul mate for your pet, but keep in mind that the age of the female should be less. In addition, be sure to make a so-called acquaintance between them, planting the animals to each other for a while in order to avoid aggression and quarrels. Do not forget that chinchillas are classified as animals that need to communicate with fellows. If you can't buy a pair, then try to surround your pet with care and attention.