How To Keep A Raccoon

How To Keep A Raccoon
How To Keep A Raccoon

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Not everyone who wants to get a pet is ready to make the traditional choice in favor of a cat or a dog. After all, there is such a cute and funny animal in the world like a raccoon. Nowadays, it is quite possible to acquire a small raccoon in a special nursery. But how to take care of him? Is it possible to keep this animal in an ordinary apartment?

How to keep a raccoon
How to keep a raccoon

It is necessary

  • - a house or a box lined with soft blankets;
  • - a bowl of clean water;
  • - a bottle with a nipple (if the raccoon is still small);
  • - bowls for food and water.


Step 1

Before deciding to purchase a raccoon, remember: this animal is much more active than, for example, a cat. And the peak of this activity occurs at night. In addition, the raccoon has more tenacious and nimble fingers, almost like a human. These little hands are capable of such tricks that a cat or a dog would never even think of. After all, raccoons are very curious and inventive. The animal will be happy to open boxes and cabinets, take out their contents and study it, eating everything that seems appetizing to him. He will not disdain to examine the contents of the trash can, if such a case turns up. So be prepared for the fact that you will not have to get bored after purchasing a raccoon, and you will have to hang locks on the cabinet doors.

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Step 2

When buying a little raccoon, prepare a warm and cozy nest for him. You can buy a suitable house or couch for this at a pet store, or line a cardboard box with soft materials. The raccoon will also be happy with a hot water bottle. You can bottle feed your baby with diluted and sweetened cow or goat milk. The grown baby raccoon can also be fed with infant formula.

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what animals fall asleep in winter

Step 3

As soon as the animal gets older, start feeding it with raw and boiled eggs, pieces of boiled meat, fruits, nuts. The raccoon's favorite treat is cookies. Since these animals are lovers of cleanliness, everything that they are going to eat, they first try to wash. Provide your raccoon with a special container of water for this. And when treating him with cookies, choose varieties that do not immediately soak. Raccoons are not picky about food, so make sure that the animal does not steal and eat anything fried, salty, spicy or too sweet - such foods are harmful to animals.

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bird feeder from shoe box

Step 4

The grown raccoon needs to be taken out for a walk so that he can climb the trees for his pleasure. It is very good if there is an opportunity to walk the animal in the garden or near the summer cottage. It would also be nice to provide special ladders or ropes in the apartment, along which the animal could climb, realizing its natural need.

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Step 5

Expect your pet to be less active in winter. In the cold season, raccoons prefer to hibernate. The raccoon's sleep is shallow, its body temperature and pulse rate do not decrease. The animal can wake up during the winter sleep and stay awake for some time, and then fall asleep again.
