Recently, not cats and dogs, but more exotic animals, such as newts, have been introduced as pets. Not much is known about keeping this species of amphibians at home, but even less information on how to determine the sex of a newt.

Step 1
Please note that there are several ways to determine the sex of a newt. So it is possible to distinguish visual, ethological, biochemical and special methods. We should rely on a visual method based on the external signs of the animal.

Step 2
Know that the easiest way to determine the sex of a newt is during the breeding season. It is then that sex differences are most acutely manifested in a given animal species.

Step 3
Pay attention to the presence of a crest in the newt. If it is on the back and tail of the animal, then you have a male in front of you. But by the presence of a crest, it is possible to determine the sex of a newt only in the spring - during the breeding season. In addition, there are some species of newts that live mostly outside of Russian pet stores, which absolutely never have a comb.

Step 4
Examine the tail of the newt carefully. When comparing different individuals, it can be noted that some of them have longer tails - this is how you can distinguish males from females, but again only during the breeding season, because at any other time there is no additional skin growth on the tail in males.

Step 5
Try exploring the different types of newts sold in Russian stores. The fact is that for each species, sex determination depends on specific characteristics. So, for example, in males of the Spanish so-called spiny newt, the cloaca looks like a little swollen, in addition, males of this species have light calluses under their armpits. And some species of male lungless newts have special glands located behind the eyes, so you can distinguish such a male from a female by a large head.
Step 6
Remember that the surest sign of sex determination in a newt is the thickness of the animal. The fact is that males of any species are always much thinner than females.
Step 7
Please note that in order to determine the sex of the newt and gain knowledge on its maintenance and reproduction, it is necessary to read special literature or consult with specialists in a pet store on growing this type of amphibians.