Guinea pigs are very popular pets. In general, they are not difficult to maintain, but the digestive system of these rodents, unlike, for example, dogs and cats, is not ready to digest the usual food from your table. At home, the guinea pig should eat what it eats in nature.

One of the main parts of the diet of these animals is cereal mixtures. They should account for about a third of all food you give your pet. The easiest way to get a balanced grain mixture is to buy it at almost any pet store. You can save money and buy the components separately, and then mix them. The feed should contain oats, barley, millet, sunflower seeds, corn and peas. Pigs love oats the most, so use a little more.
The second important part of the diet is green food. Greens have a good effect on the digestion of the rodent and provide the body with important substances and trace elements, for example, vitamin C. The latter is not produced in the body of guinea pigs, and it is extremely important to regularly replenish its supply. At the same time, not all plants can be useful and safe for these animals, some can harm them. Recommended food includes, for example, dandelions, beet and carrot tops, young sedge, clover, alfalfa, lettuce, plantain, chamomile, spinach, dill, yarrow, sprouted grains, tansy.
About 20% of the diet should be hay. It is an important source of fiber for the digestive system to function properly. It also helps to grind teeth, which grow too quickly in pigs, and without rough food will grow so much that it will be uncomfortable to eat. In winter, when there is not enough fresh greens, you can increase the proportion of hay in the guinea pig's diet, since it also contains components that are in the grass and leaves.
The pigs also eat fruits and vegetables. On the day, the animal should eat them up to 30% of its weight. There should be more vegetables, and let the fruits serve rather as a delicacy. The list of recommended guinea pigs includes cabbage, carrots, apples, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, bell peppers, corn. Try to alternate them, because they contain different micronutrients, and it is important that the pet gets all of them.
You cannot feed your guinea pig with sweets, pastries, bakery, pasta, leftover dishes from the table, rice, potatoes.