What Can You Feed Your Hamster

What Can You Feed Your Hamster
What Can You Feed Your Hamster

Hamsters are picky and eat whatever they give. However, people, as intelligent beings, are aware of the dangers of certain foods. Therefore, you should feed your hamster wisely.

What can you feed your hamster
What can you feed your hamster

What can you feed your hamster

Hard food. A very convenient way to feed. Typically, this ready-to-use feed mixture can be purchased at the store. It contains nuts, wheat, pea seeds, corn, oats and sunflower seeds. To combine the process of feeding the hamster with the process of grinding long teeth, it is also recommended to buy sticks covered with grains. So the hamster will train the skills of independent food extraction and have healthy teeth. When choosing food in a store, you should pay attention to the presence of vitamin supplements in it and, of course, the shelf life. Then there is no need to worry about the normal growth and development of the hamster.

Fresh food. The pet's daily diet must include fresh and, best of all, green food. From fruits, hamsters will benefit from apples, peaches, bananas, dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins. When it's fresh, pamper your hamster with a leafy mixture of dandelions, parsley, lettuce, and tree leaves.

Proteins of animal origin. Hamsters are not vegetarians and by their very nature they need animal protein. For these purposes, dairy products with 0 or 1% fat content are well suited: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt without additives. Occasionally, you can give boiled chicken without salt and peeled shrimp. In stores, special food insects are offered in a dried form, but not all pets like them.

Thin twigs and hay. Suitable as, rather, entertainment or additional food. Hamsters use hay to build their nests, and twigs (best from fruit trees) are good for grinding down fast-growing incisors.

Vitamins and minerals. Usually, special food for hamsters contains, in addition to the grain component, a vitamin complex. But in the winter-spring period, or for females during pregnancy and feeding, it is advisable to introduce independent vitamins into the diet. Preferred vitamins in packages. Among the items sold by weight, there are often substandard, expired products.

Water. The hamsters drink quite a bit, but it will not hurt to hang a special drinker in the cage. The pet can drink as much and whenever it wants. It is undesirable to put a bowl of water - most likely, the animal will turn it over, and the litter will get wet.

Prohibited feed

Of course, you want to pamper your beloved animal with many goodies, but you can't. What is normal for humans can seriously damage the animal's health. Do not: fatty and fried, breakfast cereals and pasta, sausage products, milk. Salt-sugar and other spices, sour cream, cream and butter, onions, garlic and potatoes are strictly prohibited. Cabbage can be given rarely and in small quantities - it causes flatulence in most animals.

Exotic fruits such as kiwi, avocado, pineapple, as well as any fruit juices are contraindicated for the hamster. All flour and sweet products should be excluded from the animal's diet, including sweets, chocolate, marmalade, etc. Mushrooms, citrus fruits, branches of conifers should also not appear in the feeder.
