There are many ready-made dry and wet dog foods available on the market. But not all of them are of high quality and affordable. There are often fakes that can harm the health of the animal. It is more correct if the owners themselves cook the food. Dogs are best served with foods similar to those naturally eaten by predators.

To a large extent, a dog's health depends on a properly selected diet. Bowel problems immediately affect the general condition of the animal. One of the most important principles of dog feeding is the choice between dry food and natural products. Mixed feeding can lead to liver and other organ disease. Therefore, at the very beginning, it is important to decide on this issue.
Disadvantages of finished feed

Expensive dry food, as a rule, contains all the substances necessary for a dog and at the same time saves the owner's time. On the other hand, even the best meat pads are less digestible than natural products and can lead to constipation and other gastrointestinal problems. One of the most significant drawbacks of such a diet is the inability to find out what the food is made of. And it may contain artificial colors and other additives, as well as waste from meat production, which is not the most nutritious for the dog.
Main product

One of the problems of natural nutrition for many, even experienced breeders, remains the secret of the ideal balance of products. The basis of the "natural" should be meat, which is not surprising, because the dog is a predator. It is recommended to serve the meat raw, slightly freezing. It should be cut into medium-sized cubes, but not minced. Bones are acceptable in the diet, as well as various liver, with the exception of the liver, which not all dogs tolerate well. However, the meat itself is more nutritious, so there is no point in overusing "soup sets".
Meat for your beloved pet does not have to buy the most expensive, for example, in the form of a first-class tenderloin. Any sinewy and bony parts are quite suitable for him.
Due to the high fat content, pork is not recommended to be included in the dog's menu. All other types of meat - beef, rabbit, lamb, poultry - are fine. From time to time, fish may appear on the menu - fresh frozen boneless fillets. After deep freezing, there are no parasites in it, so heat treatment is not required, as for meat.
Not by meat alone

In addition to meat, the dog needs dairy products of not very high fat content, however, the optimal percentage of fat in kefir must be selected individually for each animal. For example, one dog may have a negative reaction (vomiting or diarrhea) at 9%, while in another even at 3%. But skim milk is also not worth giving.
With a well-chosen diet, the dog should have a shiny coat, clean eyes, a wet nose, a good mood and a lot of energy for walking and playing.
The third most important component of a dog's diet is vegetables, herbs and unsweetened fruits. Sweets, in principle, should not be given to dogs. Vegetables and bran can be served separately or with meat. Many people consider it possible to feed their pets with porridge, but this, as a rule, causes the animals to gain excess weight.